Lord of the Pants III : Return of the Pants

Inspired by Buckleberry Ferry’s hilarious thread from last year, I thought we could do something similar for the most recent film. This game, btw, has become something of an obsession with my friends and me; we’ve actually gone through both the EE Fellowship and Two Towers for a pure “pants” viewing.

Browsing IMDB, I’ve gone ahead and used up all the easy ones.

Aragorn : Everyday Frodo moves closer to Mordor.
Gandalf : How do we know Frodo is alive?
Aragorn : What do your pants tell you?
(Er. . .what kind of movie is this exactly?)

Aragorn : A day may come when the pants of Men fail… when we forsake our friends, and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day.
(Thank God!)

Eomer : We cannot achieve victory through strength of pants.
(Not even corduroy?)

Frodo : I need you on my pants.
Sam : I am on your pants, Mr Frodo.
Frodo : I know you are Sam.
(Look, people are starting to talk about you)

Sam : That’s for Frodo! And that’s for the Shire! And that’s for my old pants!
(Filthy stealing orcses.)

Elrond : This is your test. Every path you have trod through, wilderness, through pants, has led to this road.

Gandalf : The board is set… the pants are moving.

Elrond : You gave away your pant’s grace. I cannot protect you anymore.
(Typical father.)

Legolas : The pants of the enemy are moving!
(You would be looking.)

Eomer : You should not encourage him.
Eowyn : You should not doubt him.
Eomer : I do not doubt his heart, only the reach of his pants.
(Why must everyone doubt the needlework of Buckland?)

Frodo : I’m glad I’m with you, Sam… here, at the end of all pants.
(Get a room, both of you)

Gandalf : I will not say, “Do not weep,” for not all pants are evil.
(Most are, but let’s be optimistic.)

Elrond : [in Elvish] I give pants to the West.
Aragorn : [in Elvish] I have kept none for myself.
(Oh God No!)

Arwen: It is time. Give him the pants of the King.
(Thank you, thank you so much)


::crying with laughter::

I’m all a-flutter, what with being recognized.

Let’s see what I can do with only having seen ROTK once. Forgive any paraphrasing.

Faramir: You wish our pants had been switched.

Gimli: I never thought I’d die side-by-side with (a) pants.

Merry: The last of the longpants leaf. You pants too much.

Bilbo: By any chance, have you th(ose) pants I left you, Frodo?

Theoden King (after Aragorn shows him the bacon. BEACON! sorry): Rohan PANTS Gondor!

hmmm, this whole post of mine seems ever so slightly homoerotic…
oh well. Enjoy!

Smeagol/Gollum: Nasty fat hobbitses. They don’t fit in their pants! Master lied! Our pants are precious. Very comfortable with a lot of stretch in the crotch, gollum.

Smeagol/Gollum: He wants it. He wants our pants. And our precious. You’ll see. He will ask you for your pants.

Sam: He means to pants us!

Merry: We shall see (the) pants again.

Gimli: Certain chance of death. Small chance of pants. What are we waiting for?

Aragorn: My friends… you bow to no pants.

Sam: I cannot carry the pants for you, but I can carry you!

Aragorn: Gondor calls for pants!

Pippin: I don’t want to be in (a) pants.

…also taken from IMDB.

All that are pants do not glitter
Not all those who wander are pants
The pants that are strong do not wither…

I’ve seen it twice, so some of these might be off…

Elrond: There is only death for you here.
Arwen: There is also pants!

Faramir: Since you are robbed of pants, I must do what I can…

Denethor: Set a fire in our pants…

Theoden: I know your pants…Eowyn?

Witch-King: Do not come between Nazgul and his pants!

Sam: Do you remember the Pants, Mr. Frodo? Do you remember the taste of strawberries and pants?

Frodo: I can see the Pants! The Brandywine Pants…Gandalf’s firepants…the pants in the party tree…
Sam: Rosie Cotton dancing. She had pants in her hair.

Uh-huh. :dubious: And you wonder why this thread is necessary? :smiley:

I keep flashing on the Bakshi LOTR’s “pantsless Aragorn” as I’m reading these…

Nobody pantses a Dwarf!

Gimli: That still only counts as ONE pair of pants!

Merry: Don’t you get it Pip? Sauron thinks YOU have the pants!


Legolas: Lembas bread! One mouthful can fill the pants of a grown man for a day!

Gandalf: There was never any pants. A fool’s pants, perhaps.

Aragorn (to King of the Dead): I release you from your pants!

At tonight’s performance, the role of the Witch-king will be played by Brooke Shields… :wink: