Is the extreme starvation that Christian Bales did for a movie role dangerous?

This is (IMO) a heath question, not a movie question which is why I have put it here.

Re his new movie “The Machinist”. Does extreme starvation have long term effects even if it was just for few months?

Some film clips (bottom left)

Well, speaking from some small experience at serious fast and drastic weight loss [went in at 145, 2 weeks later came out at 94 lbs, call it the toxemia diet?] the doctors were not too worried as it was a shock to my system, other than toxemia I was very healthy normally, none of my organs came anywhere close to kissing off, and I did regain the weight in about 3 months so I wasnt doing the anorexia/bulemia thing of either eating a totally useless diet [like nothing but iceberg lettuce and celery with water] or enema/laxative/vomiting over a long period of time so I was getting the usual assortment of nutrients.

I would make the assumption that the actor did a combination of medically supervised fasting, certain nutritional suppliments[vitamins, aminos, protein powder] to maintain health, and as soon as the movie was in the can gained back the weight…so there would be minimal problems. I would see more problem if this was for a play that might run for years, but short term drastic weight loss without anorexia/bulemia there shouldn’t be too much problem. Now if he turns into Karen Carpenter, then we have to start worrying…

IANAD, but the human body is oddly durable when it comes to short term drastic changes…