Reeder has been banned

Actually, TVeblen said it better already, and so I am copying her post from what was the last straw . . .

What is with Duhbya and his middle finger?


A question about GWB and his policies.

[Reeder’s Official Bush-Bashing Thread](Reeder’s Official Bush-Bashing Thread )

The true face of Duhbyas daughter.

God Damn it…I despise people who say that because you are the working poor…

Do you fear your government?

On posting personal information of other users.

Enough. Way too much.

your humble TubaDiva

Thank you. there is a God.

Now the board will be all conservative! :wink:

But this is a worrisome development!

Who is there to constantly remind us that Bush suxx? Say we forget?

I’m sure someone will step into the breach, and do a better job of it too.

I wish I could work up some sympathy. But…

Vaya con Dios, Reeder. Some ignorance is invincible.


I do remember the gnashing that “this board is leftist, “this banning is a disturbing development” etc, when a doper that was on the right got banned. Here is proof that this board does indeed has prejudice: against jerks that is. And this leftist agrees with this banning.

I only hope that Reeder will learn the lessons of his bannings (IIRC this is the second and last banning), and then modify his behavior and continue the fight in an honorable way elsewhere.

A nation mourns.

(Dunno which nation. Or why it’s mourning, come to that. But I’m sure there’s a nation mourning somewhere.)

It is unseemly to bash someone who cannot respond.

I wrote to Veb in his defense, but I guess that wasn’t nearly enough to save him. I’ll miss the leftist fool.

And yet, this isn’t the first time. Nor will it be the last.

Thanks, Veb.


It is telling that there has been no Pit thread opened about this. Nobody seems too upset.

I was thinking the same thing. I guess those who are glad to see he’s gone are holding their tongues or haven’t read this thread yet.

Will this mean the board is more centrist? Has there been a ballance reached now that both reeder and december are gone?

Anyway, even though I found his style of writing OPs obnoxious, I’m sad to see him go. The SDMB needs spice, both from the left and the right and reeder was spice. This board wouldn’t be a tenth as interesting if we all agreed and were nice to each other.

And yet, Keith Olberman gets six figures for doing the same thing on national TV.

He was asking for it, and finally got it.

Thank you, Powers That Be.

As any good cook knows, too much “spice” and you spoil the dish. Reeder should have expanded his repetoire. He could be quite interesting when he wasn’t on another Bush is Evil and Here is the Latest Proof tear.

I think he was given plenty of warnings and the mods were more than patient.

While I never paid much attention to his political rants and ravings, he did recommend Hayseed Dixie (a bluegrass band specializing in rock covers).

Don’t forget Brutus, who decided not to pay for another year.