
Do you wear sandals? What kind?

I usually wear zoris/flip-flops/thongs/pluggers/shower shoes. (Specifically, Sanuk Kiwi Flip-Flops.) If I’m paddling or expect to be doing a bit of walking I’ll wear Teva Cross Terras. And I have a pair of regular old rubber zoris around here somewhere. My g/f suggested I try on a pair of Crocs. I’ve never worn huaraches.


I always wear sandals, if I have on shoes at all. My present favourites are a pair of ring-toes in white leather.

This seems a good thread to ask:

Is it pronounced Teeva or Tevva?

Actually, I should have said I usually wear sandals when I’m not at work. I don’t think they’d fly in the office.

I don’t have a factual answer, but I pronounce them somewhere between ‘tevva’ and ‘tayva’.

I have a pair of sandals that someone else bought me. I don’t think I have ever worn them. Sandals signal horrible things about a person to others. Just ask Jesus about that. Grown men should never wear sandals in public.

Dude. I’ve been to MA. I saw men wearing business suits with matching ‘business shorts’ and dark socks and dress shoes. I’ll stick with sandals.

I used to wear flip-flops around the house, but nowadays it’s just to the shower and then into regular shoes. Sometimes in colder weather instead of regular shoes it’s some moccasin-like fleece-lined house shoes that I’ll even wear to the store.

I used to have a real nice pair of flip-flops that had padded stuff on the tops and very comfortable straps but the strap broke and I’ve gone back to those cheapo $1-per-pair things you can get in the checkout lane. Hell, they work and that’s all I demand of them.

Never owned any honest-to-god sandals, though. Just flip-flops.

I love my Merrell sandals.

Anyone remember those sandals that looked as if they were made of car tires? I had a pair when I was a kid in the '70s.

  1. Am am not from Massachusetts. Far from it actually and I don’t approve of a great deal of what occurs here.

  2. Two wrongs don’t make a right.

I am a libertarian so I don’t really care what people wear on a global level. However, sandals are an extremely dangerous and volatile class of footwear to choose. If someone is looking for a date, a job, or anything else that requires the scrutiny of someone else, they are a poor choice. There is nothing that they broadcast that is positive. I have a feeling that the users of these things have little idea of how much of the negative in their lives is caused by this choice of footwear.

I remember those. I think my husband may still have a pair.

I wear almost nothing but sandals in the summer, except when I’m mowing the lawn or something. I’m on year 3 of a $5 pair of black dress sandals from WalMart, and I’ll be very sad when they wear out. I have a dress pair of Tevas (which I pronounce Teeva, but what the hell do I know?) that are OK, but they don’t adjust across the front of the foot and they’re kind of loose.

I don’t do well with flip-flops and mules, because I tend to walk out of them.

I had a pair of Rockport walking sandals that I finally wore out completely. I’d love to find another pair of those.


So how about barefoot?

Sandals are fine for wearing around the house, but if I’m going somewhere, I need to be wearing some traditional footwear, something I can put on and lace up; something I can do serious walking or running or driving or stair-climbing in whenever I need to; something that offers my feet/socks protection from scratches and stings and puddles and falling objects. Plus I don’t have any desire to look at men’s feet, including my own.

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I was thrown off by this:

I wear flip flops (various brands) for walking around sometimes. Crocs are awesome but not for wearing at the beach (ocean) because all sorts of critters end up being trapped in your shoes. At least that has been my case. But you can wear crocs for hours and your feet don’t hurt. For walking in the water or on sand I wear tevas.

A-freekin’-Men. Boots, or at the very least, tennis shoes. Or dress shoes, if the job or affair requires them.

I wear sandals, but only dress sandals, and only when I’m working or out being snazzy. Other than that, I’m a year-round boot girl or tennis shoes. That’s just who I am.

I’ll also add that if you must do sandals, please try to keep up with your pedicure appointments. The rest of us appreciate it.

April through Oct. I wear sandals every possible moment except at work and when I’m barefoot. I love them. I have three pairs of Tevas (I pronounce it TEEva) and a pair of NRS.

I don’t wear sandals, 'cause this one time I wore them someone told me that I have fat toes. I don’t know if this is true or not, but from that day onward I vowed NEVER to wear them again.

So that is why I always have socks on and it’s part of the reason I don’t go swinmming. The next person who actually sees my feet is going to be whoever embalms my corpse.