Why are black people so LOUD?

Now-necessary disclaimer: please keep this out of the pit by behaving like civilized people. This is a valid question and I seek sociocultural explanations.

It’s inarguable that black people are louder than any other races or groups. Even among groups that are already going be naturally loud (such as teenagers riding the train), the black ones are always twice as loud as the rest. Black youth, teens, and adults are equally loud, and it doesn’t seem limited to social class; I see and hear black businesspeople screaming, shouting, and laughing in the same inappropriate situations (otherwise quiet restaurants, on the otherwise quiet train, in the otherwise quiet office) as black people of the lowest socioeconomic classes. Again, there’s no debate as to the veracity of this; it’s become a part of racial stereotypes and race-based humor, such as the classic “black people shouting at the screen in a movie theater” motif.

Why? There has to be a sociocultural explanation, and I’m really curious as to what’s going on. I tried searching “loud black people” on this board without result, though we know how inferior the board’s search engine is.

What’s going on there?


First thing I thought of.

Well it’s obvious [sup] to you [/sup] that “Black People” have a different shapped larinx and are therefore much louder than other races, hence the obviousness that they are ALL louder than other races. :rolleyes:
Is this a trick question? You are not fishing right?

I would tell you, but this is the wrong forum.

I agree that there’s no doubt that that’s your opinion. You will though, I hope, allow some of us to hold another. Until your premise then finds some substantiation I’m not sure that a “Why” can be established.


Good start.

Thread closed.

I don’t want to argue this with you, because it’s inarguable, but this differs from my experiences.

Of course we all know that racial stereotypes and race-based humor are absolutely true. There’s no debating the truth of that, no sir.

In private messaging, the OP has convinced me that he firmly believes the truth of what he states in the OP as fact.

Without further comment, moved from IMHO to the Pit.

All I have to say is, the OP obviously has not lived next to our former neighbors or their ilk. Fishwife doesn’t begin to cover it, and that is just normal conversation for her! Her daughter is just like her, you could hear what she was saying plainly from inside our house, with closed windows and a fan running as she spoke to her mother on the porch. You couldn’t help but eavesdrop with them.

ETA: And they were caucasian. Loudness has nothing to do with ethnicity. I think the OP needs a good clue-by-four.

Well, sparky, maybe they just seem louder cause the hood you’re wearing filters out all the white folks’ voices.

Um. I’ve heard Southeast Asian people converse at least as loudly as the stereotypes drawn by the OP. I’ve certainly heard straight white men be as loud as anyone else I’ve ever heard. And the teenage white girls who come into my video store, the ones I have to threaten with ejection to get them to use their inside voices, are as loud as any black people I think I’ve heard.

I think the OP is working backwards, from conclusion to selective evidence. Either that or he assumes that his narrow experience is somehow the universal experience.

Maybe it’s a trait that has evolved due to years upon years of people from other races saying, “WHAT?!??!?” and “HUH??!?!?” whenever we try to speak jive to them.

While we’re discussing racial issues, can someone explain to me why us white people are so gosh darn lame?


The bigot in Auntie Mame was sure it was the Jews who were loud.

Confirmation bias. Every loud black person is a point in your theory’s favor, and the quiet ones don’t count at all.

Yep, he’s bass ackwards, for sure. Stereotyping, it’s an equal opportunity past time! :dubious:

The loudest people I know are all white.

Some of my best friends are loud.

Must… not… deign… with… reply.