Just started taking Chantix today

Please share your experiences. Any side affects? How soon before you felt like smoking less? Did you actually quit?

Also, how excellent is this? My Starting Month Pak was only $25! I wasn’t even sure that my insurance would cover it!


Ivylad finds it makes him nauseous. Make sure you eat something first.

This is his second attempt. He found the first time around he did it wrong. You’re supposed to start taking the pills a week before you actually quit smoking. He’s done pretty well, but because of his health he doesn’t always eat, which means he doesn’t always take his pills.

He says it makes the cigars taste *way * nasty.

No nausea for me, I just followed the directions in the pack six months ago and haven’t smoked since.

Good luck, it really does make it easier to stop - just remember quitting is up to you.

An elderly friend of mine took it for a month and completely quit smoking. But it’s not something you want to quit cold-turkey either. You have to taper off it, or you can get side-effects (she did.)

I have not taken Chantix, but I just wanted to say good luck, I hope it works for you and just take it one minute at a time if need be. You can do it; you really can.

Who would have thought it was so hard to NOT do something, after all? But have strength, and forgive yourself for feeling weak sometimes. Don’t forget to reward yourself for little milestones like making it a day, week or month smoke free, too.

krisolov, smoke free 1 year, 1 month and 8 days.

My tale of Chantix is here.
I have zero regrets about using it to help me quit.

I knew I remembered hearing about Chantix recently. According to the FDA:

I don’t want to put you off on taking the drug, but try and be cognizant of the possible side effects that you may experience.

Several folks I know have reported very odd dreams, and my wife was a bit jumpier than normal, but it worked for her, and she stopped taking it after 2 months (rather than the recommended 3) as she was over the majority of her urges, and we didn’t have the money for the 3rd round.

I’ve been 100% smoke-free for more than two months now thanks to Chantix – I’m as surprised as anyone. It took a bit longer to take effect for me than it seems to for most people; I continued to smoke for the first couple of weeks or so after I started taking it, though many had told me they lost their desire to smoke on the first day. But at this point the thought of it is downright unappealing. I can go out with large groups of people smoking all around me and not even be a little bit tempted.

I have about two weeks left in my Chantix regimen, so I don’t know for sure if the effect will last after I stop taking it, but I hope that at least the habit aspect of smoking is broken.

I do get hellacious nausea if I don’t take it with food, and weird dreams if I take it too close to bedtime…not nightmares per se, just very vivid and odd dreams.

Whoohooo! Good luck to you and all the others trying to quit!

I did quit smoking with Chantix - for about 6 weeks. It does work, but it kinda zombified me. I had no ambition and didn’t want to do anything except lay around a watch TV.

I do have a couple of friends that it worked for though, so I think it depends on the person and how they react to the medication

I have since quit smoking- 4 months and one day without a puff - and I love it.

Do whatever it takes to quit - you’ll be happy you did. Good Luck!

Good for you! My dad, who smoked for 40 years, recently quit using chantix. He was only on it for 2 weeks, I think. He said it gave him weird dreams, but he hasn’t had a cigarette since. I’m really proud of him, and I’m pulling for you. Good luck!

I took Chantix and have been smoke free for right at 6 months. I was a smoker of over 30 years and have tried many times before, but with Chantix it was really a cake walk compared to the previous attempts. Cigarette smoke and smokers now stink badly enough to me to be sick making. Hallelujah!

My stomach was bothered with the morning pill, so I waited a little later in the morning after I ate to take them. the evening pill was never a problem.

But man, I miss the dreams. They were a blast! They were so good I would try and go back to them if something woke me up in the middle of one. YMMV, but regardless, enjoy your future as a non smoker.

I quit using Chantix…for about 2 months. I’m back at it again. :frowning:
It made me nauseous as hell, and gave me dreams that would wake you up in a cold sweat with your hair standing on end from the freakiness of them :eek:

After about two weeks of no sleep due to the weird dreams I quit taking it. I had been on it about 4 weeks at that point. I stayed smoke free for another month or so then caved. My husband also gave it up over the dreams and sleepless nights.

Good Luck.

My dad’s smoked for 50 years, and he’s finally at the point where he’d like to quit. He tried Chantix a year ago at Christmas. As for outward signs, he seemed like a zombie for the whole time he was on it. He’s said he had the dreams too, enough to freak him out.
He tried a hypnosis program this summer with my sister. They both stayed quit for 6 weeks or so, but are smoking again. The hypnotist offered a lifetime guarantee so they plan on going back.

My gf is a Chantix success story. She followed the 3 month regime and afterwards fell off the proverbial wagon. She continued the Chantix for another month and has been smoke-free for about 9 months now. She has no regrets.

Good luck to you. It’s a nasty addiction (spoken by an ex-smoker of almost 20 years).

I took it for about two months then couldn’t afford to continue (over $100 a month…my insurance won’t cover it. Ironic, isn’t it?). While I was on it, I didn’t have any weirdness aside from being really sick to my stomach after the morning dose. So long as I took it with a lot of water or food, I was fine. Since my husband still smokes, it’s been very hard not to fall off the wagon and I recently started smoking again. I’m very discouraged and disappointed with my insurance company as well as with myself. I want to quit. Chantix helped me but it seems I need to stay on it longer than two months.

A gal at work started taking it but soon stopped because it started giving her “weird thoughts.” She’s not in a good situation at home so I think that her emotional state might have been intensified with the drug. She did say that her doctor is going to put her on Wellbutrin so she can try the Chantix again.

Good luck to you!