Hello. I am a racist.


My name is Ariovistus, and I am what most of the posters here would call a ‘racist’ (though that is not how I think of myself).

I am not here to troll, any more than I am here to open myself up to verbal abuse from those who do not share my opinions.

Nobody sent me. I am here of my own free will.

I recently was shown a thread concerning a board where I usually hang out: chimpout.com. I carry the same name over there, in case any of you all are wondering.

I come here not to validate your pet stereotypes of someone with my views. Rather, I come here for honest discourse.

I am not your enemy. I am, however, your opponant.

I will tell all of you here and now, that nothing I tell you will be a lie or intended to mislead. I might refuse to answer any questions about my personal information, etc, and I might even be mistaken from time to time, but any answers that I give you will be, to the best of my ability, honest to the point of being blunt. Even brutal or distasteful. You might not like my answers, but they will be honest.

Rest assured, I probably do not share your opinions, no matter what they might be, but I will not use abusive language towards any of you for any reason. I came here in the hopes that we can have an honest exchange of opinions without vitriol.

I am willing to bet that many of you, if not most of you, have ever had an honest discourse with a bonafied “racist” who was willing to answer any and all questions posed without resorting to namecalling or taunts.

That being said, I have had little contact with liberals. Mostly by choice. Like any human being, I associate with those I have the most in common with or those who are likeminded.

A bit of background:

(I supply this information not to give you ammo against me, but as an olive branch. My experiences might lend understanding to you. And I have nothing to hide.)

I grew up in a border state… Kentucky. Mostly a poor Southern State (Commonwealth), it has little industry and is largely agrarian.

Our family is Norse and Teuton, and have always been warriors going back as far as one would care to trace (and we can go back 11 generations as of this writing).

I was a soldier and Noncommissioned Officer for most of my adult life in the service of my Republic. I have been to many different parts of the world, to include Eastern Europe, Africa, the Middle East, South and Central America. At one point, I did not set foot in the US for 6 years.

I am University educated (University of Kentucky). I am also a Disabled Veteran (100%). I do not have full use of my legs. I have PTSD and dizzy spells brought on by head trauma. I also have cancer, which is in remission.

I have a beard. I also wear my hair long- in a ponytail- and look like a cross between a Viking and a biker, but I have no tatoos.

By choice, I now reside on a small farm in South Central Kentucky (all white community, far, far from the city) with my small family and raise livestock and crops. The peace and tranquility are soothing and healing when compared to the life I was leading.

Back to the subject at hand:

I did not “suddenly” wake up one day and say to myself: “Self? Today we are going to start hating black people.”. I do not hate any one people simply for the color of their skin. That would be rediculous and shallow.

Rather, I arrived at the opinions I have based on a lifetime of coexistance with many different types of people (I am currently 42 years of age) in many, many different types of situations, some of them life-threatening.

I do not “hate” black people. I do, however, dislike them intensely for many reasons and choose to not be around them, nor live anywhere near them. I also understand them quite well. But that is a Catch 22: The more I understand them, the less I like what I see. If I had to put name to the emotions I feel when I think of them, it would be a weak species of pity, combined with revulsion.

For those of you interested, I officially had no opinion of them for years. My parents taught me to investigate everything before forming an opinion, and were mum on the subject of other races.

Why I feel the way I do will become clear once this discourse gets going, hopefully, and both our camps can claim a bit more understanding of the other.

Thanks for describing your facial hair. I’m sure it’s very relevant to…whatever it is you want to talk about.

Or did you mean to post this in your blog?

Well, FWIW, black people probably feel much the same about you as you seem to feel about them. Based on my own reaction to you, I’d say that Hispanics are probably none to keen about you either, and you probably feel similar about us as well.

I don’t see how any meaningful dialogue is possible to someone who feels as you do. You’ve closed your mind off and are no more reachable than any conspiracy theorist or nutter.

I’m sure others will be along to tell you what they think (or a mod will be along to close the thread if they think you are, in fact trolling…which, to be honest, I’d probably agree with). I’ll just urge you to crawl back under your rock.

Oh…and definitely up the voltage for your next treatment.


Ah, yes, if only we could reliably determine how other people behave, how intelligent they are, and their relative worth to society, by some simple method like skin color. That would make things so much easier.

Sorry, I’m not all that interested in hearing rationalizations for bigotry; I’ve probably heard 'em all anyway. I’ll stay out of the rest of this.

Your University Of Kentucky Wildcats is pretty much an all black team. Do you yearn for the years of Adolph Rupp the Nazi?

I am a fan of the team, by the way.

I’m getting psychic! I saw the title of the OP and instantly flashed “Join Date: Aug 2010”. Uncanny.

Shit. The world is doomed.

Oooh! Oooh! I see a word forming, its fuzzy and unclear, but…“gland”?..no…“bland”?..closer, definitely closer…

Oh boy. Why did I go check out chimpout.com? Why?

Why do you think the OP should be banned?

Hello Ariovistus,

Welcome to the boards. Can you define your views a little more sharply? Are your prejudices constrained to just black folks? How do you feel about Jews? Arabs? Greeks? The French etc.?

Hey now, that’s not fair. It’s not just about his hair. It’s also important to know about his 11 generations of Norse and Teutonic warriors. You can tell because he described them while neglecting to give any reasons for hating… er… intensly disliking non-Whites.

And I’m a little disapointed in the OP. After his, “If only you took the time to talk to us you’d see that we’re really kind, caring, and loving people who simply want to arbitrarily hate people,” line he really missed an oppurtunity. It should have ended with the plea to, “Please, think of the racists.”

Hey, maybe what he saw was “Rand”. It’s uncanny!

I agree with Rand, but that’s too fucking funny. :smiley:

I’ll bite.

What are the many reasons you dislike black people? What experiences have lead you to this place? In what way do you “understand them”?

Just like the OP states himself, I don’t hate black people or anyone based on skin color. I live in a predominately white area, and would feel a bit silly living in a ghetto. I totally pity and am disgusted by much of black life. Yet, I don’t go around calling myself a racist. Can anyone tell me why the OP is trying so hard to make us prejudge him as being racist, by throwing out such irrelevant info as his beard style, and his rural lifestyle?

This guy needs to explain why he thinks he and myself are racists.


Bona fide, name-calling.

‘Teuton’ usually refers to an ancient people who lived in Jutland until about 100 BCE. Perhaps you meant ‘Teutonic’?




Oh, oops. Sometimes you have to be a little patient with us non-WASPs, you know. :smack:

A prediction less than a judgement. Recent join date? Check. Utterly trollish virgin post? Check. Just a matter of time.

Besides, I don’t trouble myself with the moral dimensions of my psychic revelations. That shits depressing, I try to be a happy medium.

You want to be a gay fortune teller?