Shriekers here - MrDibble, Der Trihs

For the purposes of this discussion, I will define my terms. I am white by the common usage and where I may originally be from is undetermined. When I refer to black, I am using the common usage and any black person’s actual country of origin is undetermined.

One of the groups of people on the internet I find most hilarious are the overboard shriekers. These are the people who take one or two topics and shriek endlessly about them to the point of absolute absurdity.

My top favorite is the term racism. I once knew a man, his color or heritage really doesn’t much matter. There was near literally nothing that anyone could say that he could not find racial connotations in. Good morning - racist.

Shriekers like that are only acknowledged by the uninitiated; the rest of pretty much anyone who wasn’t wholesale out of their minds simply walked by with a look of pity.

I am pointing my finger at you specifically MrDibble. You are more the racist because that is all you see. I don’t expect that anything I say will change your crazy ass racists everywhere thinking, but everyone knows to walk by the crazy guy on the street talking to himself. Oh, and you are a pompous ass and full of hate. Just saying.

I am pointing my finger at you Der Trihs. Specifics are pointless, but you are just a nutjob who memorizes books. Welcome to the same street corner as MrDibble. Your anti-women, anti-religion and anti-conservative rants are some of the best crazy shit ever. You are so over the top on these topics that I have to think that you are seriously overcompensating. Is there a chance that you secretly are a conservative leaning, deeply Christian woman? Nah, just another nutjob on the information superhighway. I know that you will read this and think that someone is paying attention to you and I guess that is true…I pay attention to squirrels, too so draw your own conclusion. Oh and as a final thought, you and your tirades are BORING.

I am glad that the internet is anonymous because crazy ass bastards like you I can observe and giggle at while remaining at a safe distance.

You wouldn’t happen to be posting at a public library, would you, that would make a lot of sense.

What is your definition of “shrieking”?

Physician, heal thyself.


You want to play the game of semantics? You know precisely what to shriek means. Think over the top street preacher. One trick pony.:dubious:

Also a link would be helpful.

MrDibble is frequently right. And the “you calling me a racist makes you the real racist!” thing is asinine.

There is no link necessary. I am speaking my opinion, whether factual or not. I am merely mocking.

Dude, you’ve been here for 7 months. Imagine how you’ll feel when you’ve been here 11 years.

I am not suggesting that MrDibble called me a racist. I am saying that that is ALL that MrDibble sees. That whole broken clock being right here and there aside.

Interesting OP/Username combo.

Lurker for years. Still mostly useless and timid in posting.

I count at least three tricks there.

What I think is that you don’t know what the fuck the word means.

So this thread isn’t mostly useless, it’s totally useless.

But I don’t know MrDibble from Adam so I have no idea whether what sorts of things he complains are racist. Was it

“All those nappy haired coons need to die”


“Maybe giving each black person in the country ten million dollars as slave reparations might not be the best policy”

Unless I see evidence otherwise I’m just going to assume that it was the former and that you are the one who is shrieking.

I was referring to the pitting of Der Trihs in which MrDibble goes off on everything is racism. Unfortunately, I cannot find that post. Please feel free to ignore. My point is with those named anyway.

As for shrieking. Would you prefer overboard illogical rantings?

As for totally useless. Sure, if you wish.

Except, that’s not what he said, now is it? Nope. This is what he actually said:

Really. You could look it up. By just scrolling up!

Put der trihs on your ignore list. Problem solved.

From MostlyUseless to TotallyUseless to LessThanUseless in as many posts.

It’s the same thing. Good god, you want so badly to be a provocateur but you’re so lazy.