I’ve lost track out how many of these fucking cockroaches have crawled over from iwantosuckhitlerscock.com to give give smug, didactic justifications for their asinine ideologies. It sickens me that this board has now become a magnet for pathetic, maladjusted losers who need to blame black people because they can’t hold a job or get laid. We’ve humored them enough. It’s time to stop being nice to them.
I’m sick of wading through incoherent psychobabble and trying to rebut it like it’s a legitimate debate. I’m sick of amorphous definitions of “race” that still amount to the same ignorant-ass, fallacious biological distinctions that were debunked decades ago. I’m sick of spurious statistics and specious correlations. I’m sick of the pseudo-intellectual posturing which presents racial “theory” as if it actually is a theory. (note to the nazis, there is no such thing as “racial theory.” Theory has a specific meaning in science. I know you asswipes don’t know anything about science, but spouting off about your own uninformed fantasies is not “theorizing,” it’s just raving) I’m sick of giving these fucking clowns the impression that we respect anything they say or regard them as our intellectual equals. I’m sick of the “polite,” enlilightened facade masking stupid, irrational hatred. I’m sick of the artificial separation from those crazy skinheads and Hitler lovers as if the fact that they don’t wear sheets and goosestep around makes them any less contemptible or ridiculous.
It makes me nuts that these fuckwads think they’re welcome here and that we’re all holding on to their every word.
Guess what, nazis. We don’t respect you. We don’t think you’re fascinating or provocative. We don’t want to have a beer with you. We think you’re all idiots. We know you’re just a bunch anti-social, racist Cliff Clavins sitting at computers in your mothers’ basements with cracker.com open on one page while you beat off to Janet Jackson’s tit on another.
Mjeh. I don’t get that upset about it, I think that the sort of people you’re talking about is a very marginal problem. I see much more problems with prejudice legal systems or institutions than with these radicalised nutjobs.
It’s sad of course though. I keep reading the threads scouring for some logical reasoning, some valid points, but I don’t find any. I actually think that I myself could make a much stronger case for racism, nazism or fascism then these people do. It makes me sad because it shows how many ignorant and hate-filled people there are and how little humanity has advanced, not to mention how poorly the battle against ignorance is going.
Now much to get upset about, I mainly feel sorry for them. I wish I could sit down with them quietly and explain how things work and point out the flaws in their ideas. That’s not going to happen and any “debate” will only strengthen their resolve, so I just read it, feel sad and go on with my life.
The only thing that will have a real impact on this is to eradicate social injustices and increase education and general awareness, so that’s where I’m going to put my energy. At the root, not pounding my head against the symptoms.
A fine rant, mitigated somewhat by the fact that these racist nutjobs were actually invited to post here. I sincerely hope a lesson has been learned by some of our own.
So in order to get us to ignore them, you start what must be the fifth or sixth Pit thread in the last three days about them? You’re part of the problem, Bro.
Consider yourselves uninvited. We don’t want your hatred and idiocy here. Check out the top of the page, see where it says “Fighting Ignorance”? That’s YOU.
Well Salvador you frequent a site filled with avatars of swastikas and links to the KKK website. You will pardon my skepticism. Jewish people are routinely referred to as ‘Juden’ at your internet home of choice. Why not be honest about your beliefs? Do you hope to lull us into a false sense of security and spring the final solution on us once we’ve been drawn into your web?
Sorry bud it isn’t going to happen. If possible I find you more distasteful, as you apparently either adore semantics, or lack the courage of your convictions.
Bad analogy, I’m an agnostic so I’m not big on the preaching. Nothing I say will convince you as your beliefs and worldview are based on lies, ignorance, and superstition. Facts will not sway you so you are not worth the time. Go back to your hole and don’t bother us anymore.
I believe in the preservation of the white Mediterranean race i.e. the Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Greek etc. in the USA, Latin America and Europe.
I believe Europe is for the Europeans.
I’m not anti anyone, but I am pro white, just like a Jew is pro Zionist and Bolshevik, a Japanese is Pro Japanese and anti foreigner, a South African blacks is pro black and wants whites out South Africa, and a Pali wants Palestine for the Palestinians , and Hispanics are Pro Aztlan and want their own homeland.