Stupid Democratic Idea of the Day

Congratulations to Congressman Anthony Weiner for finally giving us a solid launching point for this thread.

Seriously, dude - all the previous recent sex scandals and topless photos and everything else, and you still thought tweeting a picture of your lunchbox was a good idea? I am so disappointed in you. You may have thought you’d heard all the weiner/wiener jokes before but the collected masses of the media and the internet are busily writing new ones right now.

Way to go, guy.

(See, Clothahump? That’s how you do it.)

So is “posting crotch-shots on the web” being proposed as a platform of the Democratic party, then?

I call “Bullshit false equivalency”.

EDIT: Beaten by Smapti

No. It’s a Democrat doing a stupid thing. Many of the items in the “Stupid Republican Idea of the Day” thread are example of Republicans saying or doing stupid things, even where they have been subsequently denounced by other Republicans. This is exactly the same sort of thing being posted in the other thread - Chris Lee posing shirtless on Craigslist, Sarah Palin mangling the story of Paul Revere, and so forth.

False equivalence, my patootie.

You would have a bit more credibility if there weren’t already two threads on this board pillorying him for it.

Generally pointing to Republican foibles is pointing out their hypocrisy.

Chris Lee was a “family values” republican.
Larry Craig pushed for anti-gay legislation
Newt Gingrich takes Clinton to task for a BJ when Newt was diddling other women who were not his wife.
Sarah Palin wants to portray herself as understanding what America is really about but does not know her history.

Weiner was colossally stupid here but he was not hypocritical that I am aware of (to himself or to party ideals).

And just for the lulz: :smiley:

I’m not trying to create another Weiner thread; I’m trying to launch an equivalent version of the Stupid Republican Idea of the Day thread (which starts out being about legislation but after 60+ pages it’s pretty much about any right-wing idiocy). Up until now, however, the Democrats have resisted doing anything quite as stupid as anything in that thread, especially compared to the feeble previous attempt to do so; hence the Ghostbusters quote.

C’mon, people, work with me here. I’m trying to be fair and balanced as a sop to our right-leaning brethren. Let them have this one.

Guys, guys…let 'em have this one. There really isn’t any false equivalency here, and in the long run both the quantity and quality of submissions to this thread (especially compared to its counterpart) will be good for a chuckle.

Gotta agree. Weiner was monumentally stupid. Shame, I really liked his rants.

Nah, it will die away after a few pages, for a couple of reasons -
[ul][li]It’s hard to keep a thread going when every other post is “That doesn’t count”. Even when the reason given are ridiculous.[/li][li]Republicans are so smart and cool that we don’t need this kind of reassurance. We know we’re right, and that Democrats like Weiner and Edwards and Rangels and Massa and Paterson and Spitzer and Blagojevich are scumbags; we don’t need other people to tell us that.[/ul][/li]

[quote=“Shodan, post:10, topic:584618”]

Nah, it will die away after a few pages, for a couple of reasons -
[ul][li]It’s hard to keep a thread going when every other post is “That doesn’t count”. Even when the reason given are ridiculous.[/li][li]Republicans are so smart and cool that we don’t need this kind of reassurance. We know we’re right, and that Democrats like Weiner and Edwards and Rangels and Massa and Paterson and Spitzer and Blagojevich are scumbags; we don’t need other people to tell us that.[/ul][/li][/QUOTE]
You sound just like Clothahump: “There are so many to choose from and we all know Democrats are stupid but I couldn’t possibly be bothered to name any because you’ll only say they don’t count because you’re all liberal sheeple.”

If you’ve got examples, bring 'em.

That’s because with their empty heads they both sound like the wind blowing across a gourd.

“Can’t be bothered to name any”? Don’t be a moron.

Oops, too late.


::tumbleweed blows through thread; lone dog barks in the distance::

[quote=“Shodan, post:10, topic:584618”]

[list][li]It’s hard to keep a thread going when every other post is “That doesn’t count”. Even when the reason given are ridiculous.[/li][/quote]
Actually, despite your best efforts, we usually do pretty well keeping threads going around here.

I was assuming that you were smart enough to realize that, like the other thread, this one is about new incidents rather than things happening years ago; otherwise (as noted in Clothahump’s thread) we probably would have started off with the whole “Guam tipping over” thing. I guess in future I’ll have to make sure everything is set out in words of two syllables or fewer for your benefit.

There’s no helping some people.

Sorry. I’m as liberal a Democrat as anyone is likely to meet. And I’m with the OP on this one.

What a fucking moron. I don’t give a rat’s ass about the “inappropriate online contact”. Its the stupidity I can’t stand.

This thread is about stupid Democratic ideas. Sending easily-traceable images of your junk and performing easily-traceable cybersex with anonymous women, especially in today’s age, definitely qualifies.

I’ll try one.

Apparently, Obama doesn’t think it’s important to get congressional buyin for committing US military for extended periods. He’s just out and out ignoring the law, and it’s going to blow up in his face. Or it should.

It may not be humorous, but it is stupid.


  1. In every thread criticizing [a] conservative[s], drop in to disparage liberals for not instead focusing on [liberal peccadillo perpetrated some time in the past 75 years].

  2. In every thread criticizing [a] liberal[s], drop in to disparage liberals for not doing it long enough or severely enough. If the thread is still new, phrase your accusation in the form of a prediction. Should prediction fail, do NOT admit error. Toss red herrings as needed, or simply flee the thread in search of your next target.

  3. Profit, of course. (What else is there?)

The constitutionality of the War Powers Act is and always has been in question. So far neither congress nor the president has decided to test it at the Supreme Court. Instead they choose to make noise and beat their drum and otherwise ignore it.

Given the conservative nature of this Supreme Court and their deference to Executive power I suspect congress will not find a court amenable to their side of things.