The Ultimate Pick-Me-Up Thread

No, guys, I didn’t say Pick Up thread. (Though if that happens here, who am I to disagree! :smiley: )

I’ve noticed that a lot of people seem to be either going through some hard times or are on the downswing of their depression right now and might need a little pick me up. I know the hugs, jokes, and flirts I received when I started my pick-me-up thread helped, even if only for a little while. So, come in here if you need a hug, a flirt, a joke (though I’m not as good at those as others are). I’ll be happy to give you what you need (no one turned down) And if I can’t help, I’m sure there are plenty of other Dopers wandering through the thread that could try to help make you feel better…

… if only for a little while.

You know, yesterday was spring equinox. The days keeps getting longer and longer, and every so often the sun wakes me up. And I just landed a great summer job, which is going to be tons of fun. Sure, there are still stupid stuff going on in my life that I’d rather just forget about, but on the whole, I’d say that things are definitely looking up.
And Pisces? Consider yourself hugged!

Thank you, Soda. Much appreciated and much needed. And one right back at you. I actually started this thread because I know, for me, anyway, that I focus less on my own problems when I have others to help out. So, I figured why not here!

I’m glad everything is on the upswing for you! But if you get down and need to talk, my e-mail is ALWAYS open.

Well I’ve felt like loser for the past week, ever since I started looking for a new job, well, more like scrambling for a new job. There are only a few positions open in my field, which means it could easily take a few months to find the right job. A few months! I can’t be without work for that long. So last night I started applying for waitressing positions (in the rain, how’s that for appropriate?). Not that there’s anything wrong with serving, heck I’ll make better money, but it just seems like a step backwards in my career, ya know? To go from a great job in my field to waiting tables.

What’s worse? I don’t know if I’ll even get a serving job in time. And I just overdrafted my checking account yesterday, even though, according to my records I still had a few bucks in the account. AAAAHHHH!

Well, just reading the previous posts makes me feel a little beter. Well, that’s the stuff. Thanks for listening.


I can’t say I know exactly how you feel, because I haven’t had to take that particular walk yet, but I can and do sympathize.

And since I can’t do any more than that, let me just offer you one more…

Here is a link to Minnesota’s Job Bank, which is where I find over half my leads. You can create an on-line resume at the site and apply for many of the jobs by clicking a button. Others provide you with e-mail addresses, and/or mailing addresses.

Good luck, and I hope that picks you up a bit!

Nice idea for a thread, True Pices!


Yep, I be on the downswing. Plus just a lot of other shit in my life is going wrong. Not going to go into detail because it’s petty, it’s stupid, and I know how much people hate whining.

This weekend and week have been hell. If I had my way, I’d go home right now and cry for the rest of the night. :frowning:

Nothing to really add here except a quote from my favorite band.

OK, so no one is named ‘Marianne’. It’s still a nice sentiment for this thread. And I mean it, too!

Thanks for everything guys. . .

Spid-y, That is a great link! Thanks for the heads-up!

Spider Woman - Thanks! I figured we could use something like this… I’m glad it’s appreciated!

Falcon - {{{{Falcon}}}} Hon, I started this thread to use in whichever way best suits you to feel better. If you want to rant and rage and whine and cry, do it. I’LL understand, and give you lots of hugs.

Jonathan Chance - That was perfect! Thank you for posting it! (And I may change my name to Marianne, just for the hell of it! :wink: )

racerx - ANY time. {{{racerx}}}

TP - Most of it involves people here on the board. I can’t tell why I’m upset without using said names, and I won’t do that. Rest is my mother. And there’s nothing I can do there. :frowning:

I’ve been crying for a while now, though. My face should look GREAT for work tomorrow.

huggles Falcon I know that it might not help much, but having been through, still going through actually, problems with mom, I know it can be really painful and hard on ya. I’m not sure if it helps any but I just wanted you to know that there are a lot of people out here that love you.

“I can’t find a reason to let go
Even though you’ve found a new love
And she’s the one your dreams are made of
I can find a reason to hang on
What went wrong can be forgiven
Without you it ain’t worth living…alone”

I know that it’s petty but it’s the way I feel. The one guy I really fell in love with, actually let myself trust, is with someone else. It shouldn’t bug me as much as it does, and I really am happy for them, they seem so happy together. But seeing them together just starts this little ache, because I want him back so much. I’m sorry I’m whining… I’ll go now


Falcon, Then that, I can understand. But if you ever just want someone to vent to, my mailbox is always open. Standing invitation for all.

…I think you’ve got it bad, I’m a life-long Chicago Bears fan…try pinning your NFL hopes on Cade McNown’s arm.
Seriously, I don’t know what’s going on, hon, but you are sooo loved around here. I just don’t get:

I seriously hope that no one is intentionally causing you hurt Falcon because you are sooo undeserving of such behavior. I will personally crack the skulls of any individuals participating in this conduct.
You know I think the world of you sweetie…heck, I even bid a bajillion dollars (plus chocolates) for you at the slave auction (although, admittedly, selfishly, the idea of having you as my personal slave actually sent my libido spinning into the stratosphere).
(I was never notified whether or not I won, BTW)
I hope that whatever is troubling you, here on the boards and there at home, is but a temporary setback to the force of nature that you are. If there is anything that I can do to help, please drop me a line and let me know.


TP: Check your email.

poopah: No hon…no one is intentionally hurting me. But thank you, dear one. My problems here will go away somehow. My problems at home…are much deeper. And one day I’ll be able to leave them as well. I hope. (I’m a 25 year old woman, and my mother thinks I’m still 14. sighs)

Thank you both. (And FPK too. {{{FPK}}})

Falcon - Checked and answered. {{{FALCON}}} (And one of these days, I’ll commiserate with you on the home situation… 27 being treated like 16!!! I can’t WAIT to get out! :wink: )

Ditto for me! I can’t explain why (and I HAVE been asked by Astrofiancee!), but you guys are like family to me.

If you need to vent, or want advice (keep in mind that my advice, drunken as it is, is MORE than somewhat suspect! My life has yet to be a resounding success… but, what the hell, I like it anyhow!:slight_smile: ) please feel free to e-mail.

If nothing else, I can commiserate!

Dealing with the step-mom has taken a turn for the worst again, and it’s gotten me feeling a little angry, a little hopeless, and more sure than ever that I’ve got to get out! (Please, please, PLEASE let me make it until August when I should have the money to move!) I’ve spent most of the day today being “responsible”… doing my budget, balancing my checkbook, cleaning my room, helping my dad clean the rest of the house… and I know… I know that when she gets home, it won’t be good enough for her. I was planning on stopping at Boston Market for dinner when I got out of my (what was supposed to be) hour at work today, but that hour ended up being 30 minutes, and they weren’t open. So no reheated Boston Market. I’m planning on making dinner instead, but I have a feeling she won’t let me do that, either. I just don’t know how to please this woman, when everything I doesn’t seem good enough. And I’m tired of having to hide how I’m really feeling about things (like if I’m having a bad day at work and come home angry) because she tells me I have an attitude or that I’m moping (when the depression hits) I have to plaster a fake smile on my face and pretend to be in a good mood, and try not to let her hear when I cry myself to sleep at night. I’m tired of not being able to be me, and of the real me not being good enough. I just don’t know what to do other than pray that August comes quickly.

Sorry about the rant, guys… I just had to get it off my chest, and I figured this thread was as good a place as any (especially since I almost did it in Whammo’s What are you good for? thread. But I erased what I wrote 3 times and became innocuous instead and took it over here… Seemed more appropriate, somehow.

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Extra hugs and kisses to last you until August.

gives TP a BIG hug, almost bursting into tears because she knows what it feels like I’m so sorry honey. I know it sounds trite but I know what you’re going through. I do so much for my parents, I don’t get out of [i/]school* until about 6 most days and then I’m taking a confirmation class from 7 to 9 on Tuesdays and a Princeton review class 4 to 6 on Fridays, 9-12:30 on Saturdays. All to make my parents happy, and I’m getting to the point where I don’t know if I could ever make them proud of me. It’s not like they rant and rave about how horribly I’m doing, but I never get told that I’m doing fine, or that I’m doing a good job.
But I’m almost getting used to that… I get the support that I need from my friends. At least I used to. My best friend is always with her boyfriend, it almost seems like I don’t have a best friend anymore. I don’t mind, after the boyfriends that she’s had she really deserves a guy like the one she has now. I just wish that I had someone to really talk to now that she may as well be gone. I thought that I still had Danny, he’s an ex-boyfriend but we were still friends. Even with him, I need hugs to make me feel better, I need that physical reassurance that everything is going to be alright and he just shrugs out of the hugs that I need. So I’m left pretending to be someone I’m not, smiling to the world and acting like nothing’s wrong. Inside I’m all torn up and bleeding, but I could never shoe that to anyone at school because “Bebe doesn’t cry, she’s not emotional like that.” Then I get home and my mom tells me that I shouldn’t feel the way I feel. She tells me that I shouldn’t be pressured to do anything at school, I shouldn’t be sad about my ex-boyfriend(whom I still love) and I shouldn’t show any emotional at all because that’s showing a weakness. So no matter where I turn I can’t show any emotioon at all and it’s just killing me inside, and every little emotion that I have I direct inward even though I know that it’s not healthy. I hate myself, I can’t stand the person that I’ve become. I’m sorry, but I needed somewhere to write this all. It doesn’t really help because I know that no matter how well meaning all of you are, no one can be there for me at school or at home when I really need it. I appreciate it if anyone even cares enough to say anything… but I don’t know, I just had to put it down somewhere, even though the keyboard has been seen through a haze of tears this entire time.
