The Ultimate Pick-Me-Up thread, part the 3rd

Back in the early days of the Dope, I was having one particularly bad day and I asked for people to help me cheer up with hugs, jokes, letting me know I was in their thoughts. It was actually fairly popular: I’d actually printed the thread out so I could put it up at work. And, of course, I recognized that I couldn’t be the only one having bad days. So The Ultimate Pick-Me-Up Thread was born.

A couple years later, after the Winter of Our Missed Content, I decided that the thread needed a new life, and the Dopers needed a place to just say, “I need a hug” without having to go into detail. And then I brought The Ultimate Pick-Me-Up Thread, Revisited was born.

After 2 decades, I knew that I couldn’t be back without being supportive of people when they need it.

Here’s the blurb from my first thread:

And I want to reiterate that this thread is not meant to require you to say what’s going on. I understand that sometimes people don’t want to go into detail about problems. So you’re more than welcome to just say, “Can I get a hug?”, “Will someone flirt with me?”, "I’ve been crying a lot lately. A need a joke or two to cheer me up. "

Also keep in mind that I am FAR from the only person here that can give people what they want, and I kinda hope that I won’t be the only one handing out the pick-me-ups. Even if you aren’t feeling low yourself, check the thread to see if you can help anyone out. It’s been my experience that Dopers are some of the most wonderful, caring and supportive people I’ve ever met. And that hasn’t changed in my 20 year absence.

The good news for most of us who live in the snowbelt is that spring finally seems to be here! [I was thinking the same thing a few weeks ago but was quickly disabused of that notion as snow came back.]

This brought a moment of levity to our service writer’s horrible final day of year-end closing of invoices, I hope it makes someone else smile, too :slight_smile:

Iceberg lovers go wild over viral photos of the ‘dickie berg’ off Newfoundland’s coast (NSFW Maybe)

(I see it’s been brought up as a topic on its own :slight_smile: )

We have a spare bed. The schools out here suck, but if you need to get CtE out of the state…we can do what we can to help. Hopefully they don’t have cat allergies cause those might be hard to work around, but we could do it if needed.

PastTense, yay for spring finally arriving. I don’t remember spring coming this late in a long time. The latest I personally remember was when a snow storm popped up while we’re were visiting a friend in Pittsburgh. That was April 2, 2004 or 2005.

superwombat, the icebeg was perfect! I showed it to two friends of mine online and they were somewhere between “so cool!” and “That would be painful!” {{{superwombat}}}

JtC, thank you! I’ll keep it in mind. No allergies to cats that we’ve found (we’ve had pairs through their lifetime). I hope it’s not anyhing we’ll need to take you up on! {{{JtC}}}

Now I’m actually asking for tomato soup and ginger asks to be virtually sent to me. I’ve been achy for the last couple of days. I just took my temperature. 101.4. Yeah, I’m hoping it isn’t COVID but I haven’t had a chance to go get the test and check it. Im really hoping not only that it’s not, but that it’s run its course by Sunday. I don’t want to cancel the cool money making/life saving plans if I don’t have to. I’ll just have to see what happens. But I can really use the hugs, virtual food, virtual drinks and a few "Get better, TP!"s thrown in for good measure.

When I started this thread, I didn’t think I’d be the first one to need a pick-me-up.


{{{{{{ you and yours }}}}}}. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. Here’s hoping one of your sweet boys will bring you soup and other enticing nourishments. Rest, rest, rest. Yes, the rest of the household will survive without you doing everything for them.

Don’t try to do too much til you’re alllllll better. Us moms do that and it makes being sick and wrung out last that much longer.

Get betterTP, get better, get better, get better.

(For a few seconds there I was wondering “why she does want us to send toilet paper?”) :roll_of_toilet_paper: :rofl: :roll_of_toilet_paper::joy: :roll_of_toilet_paper:

Hey, Cecil Adams spoke directly to me in his thread.
Go see.
It picked me right up.

TP, my last job was as a deisel fitter. I inspected pantyhose. “Dees’ll fit her!”
Heh. Hugs. p.s. whats a false pisces?

So the solution to life’s ills is a better quality toilet paper??? Who knew??


Feel better soonest, pisces!


What do you get if you cross a angry shewp and an angry cow?

I dunno , but it is in a ba-a-a-aaad moooood.

Thanks all, for your hugs and well wishes. They helped a lot.

I’ve been doing my best to do so. Big bottle of water, ginger ale and anything else I can get my hands on.

Well, the younger two haven’t done much of anything. But the eldest* has been taking good care of me.
* Eldest, AKA Hubby

I’ve slept more during the last couple of days that I think the whole week before. A friend called to video chat and one of the first things he said was that I looked like I hadn’t slept in a week. I’m still not sure how to take that. :joy:

Ummmm… I’ve never had a good response to that. :smiley: Back in the days of Old, it was very common for me to be confused with toilet paper. It’s one of the reasons I’m really happy with RealFish or fishy. :innocent:

I did see that! You are totally awesome, Beck, even without Cecil speaking directly to you. :slight_smile:


Either a cusper Aquarius or a cusper Aries. They want to THINK they’re Pisces, but they’ve got too much of the other sign in them…

I’m always on the outlook for better TP. It does help with a lot of things… :wink:

Alright, that one had me laugh out loud to the point where Hubby had to come see if I’d succumbed to fever madness. :smiley:


I’ve never been good at jokes. But I am good at hugs and comforting words. So if you need anything, let me know and I’ll be here in a blink to help pick you up (And now, Rick Astley is singing in my head, “I’ll never help to pick you up, I’ll never help to throw you down…” No, this isn’t damage from the fever. This is just my brain.)

Target house brand called “Strong & Soft”. Best stuff I can find in the U.S. IMO, of course. It’s especially good for ooky bug capture and flush.