give a doper a hug

C’mon, the world needs more hugs. Pick a doper, any doper. For your benefit or for theirs. For any reason or for no reason. Spread some love.

{{{{purplebear}}}} - because hugging someone name purplebear just has to give you a warm fuzzy feeling :smiley:

{{{{ssskuggiii}}}} - because she was willing to jump in my lap naked :slight_smile:

{{{{hypergirl}}}} - something tells me this would be very fun :wink:

{{{{{xizor}}}}} For starting the hugfest!

((((((((((all the newbies))))))))

Since I don’t really know anyone here that well yet.

{{{{{{xizor}}}}}} Just 'cuz he’s a sweetie for starting this hugfest, and I like that!

{{{{{{all the wonderful dopers who’ve responded so graciously and sweetly to my thread}}}}}}

{{{{{{dpr}}}}}} He’s my Aussie sweetie pal.

{{{{{{Purd Werfect}}}}}} Hi, newbie!

Jeeze, is this board getting girly!

Oh yeah! I LIKE hugging the girls!


Here’s a hug for a totally random Doper…my mouse landed on the name of:

This is fun.


Because it amuses me to do so.

and of course, one for


{{{{{{{{DRY}}}}}}}} 'cause he needs it right now.

{{{{{{{{your name here}}}}}}}} 'cause you need one, too! You know who you are…you’re dealing with illness, or divorce, or crazy friends/relatives, or stupid jobs, or just plain stress. I’m here to hug you when you need it!

OOOOOH! I have a GROUPIE! Get thee behind me, Satan!

Special {{{{{Erika}}}}}

{{{{tymp, Mr. Cynical and NothingMan}}}} - not only a big hug, but overtly rubbing my breasts against your respective chests.

{{{{Jack Batty and Crunchy Frog}}}} get a hug for making me LMAO every day.

And Wally, of course, get a posthumous hug because he was one of a kind. {{{{{{{{{{Wally}}}}}}}}}}

What Sue said. :slight_smile:

And, drop, dear: {{{{{{dropzone}}}}}} <doing the same thing against your chest as for the other hot men> :stuck_out_tongue:

Rhonda, things aren’t quite that bad–whether I decide that it’s time to walk away for good, or to forgive and forget and start over, things’ll be OK.

I’m sorry I can’t go into the situation in question, except in a very vague sense and WITHOUT naming names. I don’t think it’s fair or appropriate to the other people involved, especially since I haven’t made up my mind yet what I intend to do. (In case any of the involved parties are reading this, I’ve been away from e-mail all day and only recently saw your responses. I need some time to think about what I’ve read.) I very much want to believe what I’ve been told, but there’s a certain skepticism that goes with being told that you’re really important to someone, even one of their very favorite people, and yet…

I do not wish to be negative, so instead I’ll focus upon you. Recently, NO ONE on the board has been as kind to me, as considerate to me, as you have. You’re taking precious vacation time to give my your support and loyalty! A hug is woefully and pathetically insufficient.

Instead, a Shakespeare quote:

“Being your slave, what should I do but tend
Upon the hours and times of your desire?
I have no precious time at all to spend,
Nor services to do, till you require.”
–Sonnet 57

Thank you, dear heart.

Well, heck, since no one else is gonna do it:

{{{{{{Mauve Dog}}}}}}

::grumble grumble::freakin’ popularity contests::grumble grumble::who cares if I might need a hug::grumble grumble::

Because I know her and just got to know her a little better as I was doing some reading…

((((Canadian Sue))))

I’ve been missing our morning coffees too…

{{{{{Tater}}}}} - My favorite person living in Germany right now.

{{{{{andygirl}}}}}}- aw hell, she seems so sweet that she deserves one.

and a special one for {{{{{{Shayna}}}}}}}


Just cause I feel like it.

{{{{My sweet Twistycakes}}}}} Your in my top, uh 4?, in Ireland. :wink:

and {{{{Globey}}}}} {{{{{Canadian Sue}}}}}

flicka flicka!

////Mauve Dog\\

[Do mauve dogs like spiders?]


////all the dopers, mods, members and Cecil\\



And one for Satan! {{{{{Satan}}}}}}
[sub] He’ll need the comfort when his Yankee’s lose.