FACEBOOK problem. help

I don’t know how this happened but suddenly my special someone cannot view my timeline. The things she can view on my profile are only her posts. My other friends can view my timeline alright. I tried experimenting with the privacy tab of my account. When I set my timeline to public, her account can see it okay. But when I switch it back to friends only, it returns to just her posts. I googled my problem and the solution came up was to look at the privacy tab. I can’t seem to find anything amiss causing the problem. It bothers me. Any suggestions guys? Thank you.

Did you accidentally add her to a blocked or restricted group?

Did you unfriend her? Before I started nosing around with privacy settings and some of the trickier nuances of facebook, I start with the basic one.

You can view your timeline as any specific friend would see your page. Try that and see if you can duplicate what she sees.

I have thought of this but I do not have any restricted group or person. All I’ve blocked are app requests from some friends and that’s it. She’s not included in any of them.

When I open her account to view my profile. All I can see are just her posts. My posts, about, photos, notes, etc don’t show. I have some other friends open their account for me to view my profile and all of them can see all of my timeline without any problem.

I have thought this might work. I unfriended her and then added her again thinking this might reset anything causing the problem. It did not. Could it be a bug? Her account can only see my whole timeline when I set it in public. When I set it back to friends only, my other friends can view it fine but hers doesnt.

Can you limit what you can see on other people’s timeline? Maybe the problem’s on her end. But I can’t seem to find any.

No, while logged in as yourself you can see how your page appears to anyone in your friend’s list.

  • Logged in as yourself, navigate to your own timeline.
  • Next to the the “Activity Log” button there’s a dropdown arrow, click on it and select “View as…”
  • Type in her name near the top of the page and you’ll see how your Timeline appears to her (or anyone who’s name you type in)

Now, if using that you can’t see any information on your Timeline then you’ve somehow restricted her permissions to view your information.

I tried viewing as her and it’s the same as when I opened her account. The logical reason is that i’ve somehow restricted her but I can’t find anything.

Go here and check each group to ensure that she’s not in any group with some sort of restriction on it.

Then go to Privacy Settings > Timeline and Tagging and make sure that each option is set to Friends or Friends of Friends, whatever level of privacy you want AND make sure that if you click on Custom, her name isn’t listed in the Hide This From field. Also make sure that if you choose a general level of privacy that excludes a group, she’s not in that excluded group.

Finally, go to Privacy Settings > Blocked People and Apps and make sure she’s not hanging around in there anywhere.

Remember that if you unfriend her and refriend her, she needs to acknowledge the friendship request again. Did you make sure that she is actually in your friends list?

Dude, her Facebook page just isn’t that into you.

Is there a factual answer to anything about facebook?

Yes, but we’re not in the Pit.