Was I just (semi-) unfriended?

Noticed on Facebook that it was the birthday of a woman I used to work with. I wanted to leave her a birthday greeting, but the feature that lets me post on her wall was missing.

I looked at the pages of other people who I know from the same time and place, and hers was the only one with this omission. We were never particularly close, but I’m not aware of any bad feelings I could have caused her.

Is it possible to keep someone from posting on your wall without unfriending them? Or should I just wait a few days to see if this is a glitch that will pass?

Did anyone else post there?

It’s possible she has settings set to prevent everybody from posting there:

Yes. I’m just wondering if this is a well-known option?

Actually, it looks like the last things posted on her page were from a year ago (also her birthday), so something else may be going on here.

Yes it is.

Yes. I have a lot of friends who don’t allow every friend to post.

If it is her birthday, or I want to say something to her, I have to piggy-back it on to someone (more favored, I guess) else’s post.

I once observed something similar, and formed a hypothesis. (But Facebook secretly divides its victims into groups and uses different algorithms for the different groups, to measure which group of victims yields more revenue — so even if my hypothesis is correct, it may not apply to you.)

Anyway, what I (think I) observed is that on Friends’ birthday I could send a message in the Wish your Friend a Happy Birthday box but I could not post normally on the fellow victim’s timeline until the day after his birthday.

The only option I’m familiar with is the one that prevents me from seeing their stories on my wall. Is this the same option? Because, if it’s detectable like that, I’ll have to reconsider who I use that feature on.

I could have sworn it was just that you could set it where no one but you could write on the wall, not specific people. In fact, I thought the only way to keep people from being able to talk to you on Facebook was to block them, which also automatically unfriends them.

I’ve not really futzed with Facebook in a long time. I go there and scroll fairly quickly to catch up on things and maybe see cool pictures, and then I leave.

On a related note, I recently saw someone’s name suggested in the “people you may know” area that I am almost certain was a fb friend 7-8 years ago. Guess I was unknowingly unfriended at some point, huh?

That’s okay, though, I almost never do FB

If a little notification came up telling you it was her birthday, then she didn’t unfriend you. She most likely has her privacy settings on lockdown, which prevents people from writing on her wall, as mentioned. You can still send her a private message.

On a related note, I recently saw someone’s name suggested in the “people you may know” area that I am almost certain was a fb friend 7-8 years ago. Guess I was unknowingly unfriended at some point, huh?

Possibly, but it’s also possible their page was hacked and a new page was created. This has been prevalent lately, especially with people who don’t go on Facebook very often, if their password is weak. If you were friends at one point and someone unfriended someone, they shouldn’t come up as a “people you may know”. If you feel like it, visit their original page and see if it still lists you as friends. If so, maybe let them know their account has been compromised.

You may have been unfriended. Or said person may have just dropped out of the Facebook world for awhile and started up a new account later. I have several friends that just go in and out of Facebook for long periods at a time, and it’s not unusual to see them resurface in this manner. I don’t think anything of it.

In your FB settings, go to “Timeline and Tagging”. From there, go to “Who can add things to my Timeline? Who can post on your Timeline?”. The choices are “Friends” and “Only me” (I don’t see any others, but I don’t know if that would change if you had lists defined). Your friend presumably has it set to “Only me”.

Oh, sorry. I misread a bit of the OP. It could also be permissions as to who is allowed to post on her wall. It’s pretty easy to see if you’re “friends” or not. Just click on her profile and it should say in the top right “Friends” (in which case you are still Facebook friends) or “Add Friend” (in which case you are not.)

Actually, let me try this again. My initial response to Cardigan was what I intended to say to Cardigan. I just for a second thought I was responding to the OP when I re-read my response upon returning to this thread.

Also, what DooWahDiddy said is something to be aware of: there have been maybe three or four times I’ve had fake friend requests from someone who just copied one of the profiles of my friends. I’m not 100% sure what the scam there is, but I figured it out right away, so I never found out.

This misinformation bugs the heck out of me. Somebody creating a new account with the same name does not mean someone’s been “hacked”. It means someone created an account with the same name. If someone compromises your account they won’t need to create a new page, they can just take over yours. No reason to alarm people unnecessarily.

Sorry the terminology bugs you, but I’d hardly say it’s alarming people unnecessarily. Either way something’s gone wrong, would you agree to that? Whether it’s someone breaking into your account or someone taking the time to create a duplicate account in order to trick your friends into some sort of phishing scam, I’d say things aren’t looking too good, you know? So call it whatever you want, but I was just saying it’s a strong possibility, because it tends to happen to people who are older, have weak passwords, rarely visit Facebook, or all three.

It’s not just terminology. It’s the fact that if this happens no one has been compromised. No one has your password. If they did they wouldn’t just create a fake account, they’d take over yours, no new friend requests necessary.