Facebook Restricted List... Did my friend restrict me?

Would like if any facebook experts know this or not.
I don’t go on facebook much anymore but i had lot of old friends back in college that im friends with added there from many years ago. There was one friend of mine where i saw her friend lists, wall and ppl posting on her wall etc. That person usually have ppl post on their wall frequently. Also when it was her birthday, lot of ppl post on her wall and so did I. This was many years ago. This person is a very very friendly person.
Anyways a while later, i recalled when i clicked on their profile, i couldn’t post on their wall. But later on, it seemed like i could. Such as i could type something on their wall but of course i dont post it. It someone that im not very close to but knew her from college back many years ago.
I noticed that when it was this persons birthday the last few years, no one posted on her wall. I know 100 percent that can’t be possible. I also didn’t want to write happy birthday b/c it would seem weird like it would seem like im the only one who wrote it though i know 100 percent this cannot be the case.
Also i had noticed that before all of this, i would see other ppl post on the wall regularly and they reply back on wall etc. Now it seems like the only times when someone post on their wall… its when that person makes a post or update and then the persons friends would like the post or respond to it etc. Does this mean this person blocks me from seeing other ppl posting on her wall? Does this mean they block almost everyone? However i cant see this person adding ppl 1 by 1 to restricted list. I do not see anyone just randomly post something on her facebook anymore like few years ago such as i would not see someone post hey how is everything? For example it seems like unless she post a message on her wall, then no one could post something on it. Does this make sense or not?
Another thing i noticed thats strange. The person use to post pictures up a lot. And during this time, it stopped. So after a bit, i noticed new pictures were posted up and then lot of the friends liked it and made comments. I then clicked on those photos and noticed… these photos were added 1 year ago, but of course all these comments i see from her friends are recently just around the same day it seem to be shown. I also see in the photos it said shown to friends. Does this mean this person posted the pictures on facebook 1 year ago but basically restricted everyone from looking at these photos? The thing is i know this person didn’t just do it to me because had they done that then the photos are now visible to me… then i would see comments from 1 year ago when it was posted. Whenever she post pictures, she would always get ppl commenting very quickly so i found this strange.
Also recently it was another old friend of mine whose birthday was recently. Previously you have those things in upper right corner that say so and so birthday is today etc. This person… i clicked on their facebook and noticed… i didn’t see anyone wish this person a happy birthday. For this person… same thing, there is 0 chance no way wished her happy birthday. Because previously she always had tons of friends who would wish her happy birthday. Does this mean she pretty much blocked others from seeing others post happy birthday on her wall? Im pretty sure i could post on her wall such as hey hows everything but like the other person it feels strange that you posting on the wall when it seems like no one else posted.
Does these 2 situations means im put in restricted list? The first person… im curious but do you think this person put everyone in the restricted list instead of her family members or something like that? I can’t imagine she put all the names in her facebook friend list so maybe she only made those photos that were posted 1 year ago… she just made it visiible for herself and only a few ppl and then didnt want it shown to anyone else? She has over 200 fb friends.
Really curious if any facebook ppl can answer these questions.

If you are on someone’s restricted list, you can only see what that person has marked public. So, if that person never posts anything public (i.e. they only have stuff permitted to “friends” or “friends of friends”, or a custom list) you won’t see much. They could also have screwed up setting up custom lists (maybe they only want certain people to see certain things and other people to see other things) and they forgot to add you to a list.

If you are able to leave comments on their timeline, why not just post something innocuuous “Hi Joeblow - haven’t heard you for a long time and there is nothing on your timeline. What’s been happening?”

You can set up multiple lists of friends and change permissions based on those. I just used my Close Friends list to only post to my immediate family and closest friends while we were on vacation, and changed the permissions to Friends when we got home so everyone could see them. Friends Except Acquaintances is one of the standard permissions you can choose, which will obviously hide things from those on your Acquaintances list.


If you are just not seeing the friend on your newsfeed it’s because facebook decided you weren’t interested… Go to that person’s wall and if you still listed as a friend, click on the friend button and there should be an option to subscribe or follow, or get in your newsfeed. I can’t remember the exact wording.

If the person put you on restriction, I would just let it go. What’s to be gained by whining about it? But honestly, facebook does some weird things and you can’t always be sure your friend did anything. I have had postings disappear and think my friend deleted, only to have them randomly reappear.

Since Facebook doesn’t make it horribly obvious if you don’t know the feature is there (as with a great many FB features), here’s the help for the restricted list.

A couple of other things to consider:

(1) You can restrict Facebook from displaying or announcing your birthday. I do this, because I think celebrating my birthday is dumb and I don’t want people making a fuss over me. If you know it’s someone’s birthday and don’t see anything about it on FB, he/she may have just opted to hide it.

(2) People sometimes clear out their timelines. I do this a few times a year. It’s quite laborious to do it “by hand,” but there are a couple of Firefox extensions that can handle the task automatically. The last time I did this, I received a petulant message from a friend who saw my empty timeline and incorrectly concluded that I had moved her to the “restricted” list.

Facebook is a sieve, I trust it not. I can’t answer your question but when my account was hacked I never went back.

Also went into my e-mail and other stuff, I did get a nice e-mail, generic, but never again would I go public on this.

It hooks into your Gmail, YouTube, Google + and anything else you can think of. Face recognition. Its like someone looking up your skirt.

Absolutely scary.

Or you can just send them a facebook-message, so you don’t look like one of those old fogies who use the public features for private conversations.

Only if you give it permission to do so.

I never trusted Facebook, from its inception. I made sure that Facebook never would get “real” email addresses. I created an alternate FB account (yes, I know that violates their policy) which has just enough generic, information to pass as my “real” account, presenting bland, innocuous things, and which I can show to employer so that they learn absolutely nothing about my real life. From its beginning, I’ve kept a kind of firewall between FB and what really happens with me. The “real” account, for example, has no pictures of me.

I got another question on this. I have some friends on facebook where its their birthday, i noticed that no one posted on their wall. That is basically impossible because those ppl have lots of ppl that say happy birthday etc. One of them even posted later on thanks for the birthday wishes… yet when i look at their wall, i don’t see anyone post it.
Does that mean they restrict wall posts to certain ppl? Or most likely the only shared it with certain ppl? The thing is if they just restrict it to their friends, im confused how come i dont see it. I can’t imagine these few friends of mine restricted me and a few others.
The thing is i know i would be able to post on their wall as their wall is available. Does anyone have a clue why this is the case? What is strange is for these few ppl i notice i am friends with on facebook, i dont see anyone posting on their wall unless its them that post a message or update, then others like it or post replies to it.
Can someone explain this?