27 dead, 18 children


I pit the scumbag, asshole, piece of shit, lousy excuse for a human being who harms kids. Not the guns, not the seller, not the broken locks, not the whatever-you-want-to-put-here excuses. I pit those who hurt kids.

If you want to kill, kill yourself and leave the rest of us the fuck alone.


Burn a slow excruciating painful fiery death for eternity.


Already being discussed.

Pretty soon the gun nuts will check in with their masturbatory fantasies about how more people packing heat would have gotten to the shooter before the cops could. And of course “NOW IS NOT THE TIME TO TALK ABOUT GUNS!” Jesus titty-fucking Christ. How many people have to die for your fucking “right” to a steel phallus?

Yeah fuck people who hurt kids. People who hurt adults are cool though. It ain’t my thing but if it’s your gig more power to ya.

As far as I’m concerned everyone, including kids, but me.

This is the cost of our gun laws. It’s not going to change, we’ve decided a big pile of dead people every once is a while is not too high a price to pay so that gun fetishist can get their boners.

If I ever have a love one murdered horrifically I would like, out of respect for me and my family, for everyone to IMMEDIATELY begin discussing the United States’ horrible gun control laws.


The only way to make a difference is an amendment. It’s time for an amendment to the constitution that limits gun ownership.

My parents are both avid believers in gun rights and are saying this sort of stuff is caused by violent video games and that we need to make our schools more secure. God forbid I mentioned that perhaps we might need stricter gun laws or, gasp, bans on assault weapons. Because if these people wanted to kill people, they’d get the guns one way or another. I just gave up. It’s not worth the fight. Sometimes I wish these people wouldn’t shoot themselves though, just for no other reason than to find out their reasoning.

My local paper doesn’t get Miss Manners; how long would you say should be a respectful amount of time to wait before discussing the laws that led to your loved one’s murder? I’m not sure “Wait 'til the body’s cold” is a sufficient answer- it seems we’re getting these shootings so often now that there’s always a cooling body somewhere.

If only all the children had been armed, this could have been avoided.

It’s true! In countries like England, where this kind of thing is much more rare, they could totally get the guns one way or another. It’s because they don’t have video games.

Kids, today’s lesson is brought to you by the letters N, R, and A. Fucking assholes.

Yeah tell me about it. Something like this happened in Scotland in 1996! And THEY have gun laws. So clearly gun laws don’t prevent violence.

An extremely tragic event, obviously. But I would rather keep our gun laws exactly the way they are – and put up with the occasional massacre – than enact ultra-strict gun control measures that would guarantee something like this would never occur.

Well then you are a fucking idiot.

ETA: I also assume you suffer from sexual disfunction that is alleviated by fondling guns. We’re done with you, you’re attitudes are a cancer.

<bolding mine>

This made me chuckle Drunky, not my intent, but I like your sarcasm.

Good timing Michigan!

Maybe you thought I was being sarcastic. I would like the guns laws to be discussed in the very first Associated Press article reporting the incident, if possible. In the headline.

What in the ever-lovin’ FUCK is wrong with that government?