foolsguinea, get your worthless self down here.

There are some people on this board that can keep track of other posters. I’m not one of those, and so it was with much surprise that I discovered another regular, long-term SDMB poster was an anti-Semitic shithead.

There is a current CS thread discussing Gary Oldman’s recent Playboy interview, wherein he defends Alec Baldwin and Mel Gibson, assholes extraordinaire. Part of Oldman’s rationale (such as it is) in defending Gibson in particular boils down to, basically, “Jews really DO run Hollywood, and good on Mel for publicizing The Truth.”

Now, anyone with more than one molecule worth of brain cell can deduce that basically Oldman just announced to the world that he too is an anti-Semitic asshole, thus giving the denizens of the Dope – and the rest of the world – ample opportunity to point, laugh, and otherwise call Oldman out for being the worthless bigot that he is.

However . . . I guess everyone needs their supporters. Who is Oldman’s knight in shining armour? Our very own foolsguinea. He / she / it pops with this gem:



foolsguinea, you are a turd-sucking, worthless excuse of a human being. It is kinda sad when I think about it. . . when I think that there are people in the 21st century who still hold onto these beliefs. Very, very sad.

Several good-hearted souls (you know, people who actually possess brains and morals and empathy) raked you over the coals for you flagrant bigotry. Your response?

“Jewish-owned media”?!

Are you senile? Have you recently suffered a stroke?

Probably not. Just another run-of-the-mill bigoted asshole.

You complete pile of rotting pig shit. I’m not going to waste precious board space refuting your nonsense, because it is so fucking out there that I shouldn’t have to. You are a stupid, narrow-minded, and vile person. People like you make this world a much worse place to live in.

It’s a real shame your dad didn’t blow his load up your mom’s ass instead, seeing as how that would have likely saved the world from another anti-Semitic Jew hater.

This has been said before, but bigots do us a favor when they announce to the world that they are bigots.

In any event, if foolsguinea really said what he said, that’s a really…odd way of looking at things. How would it be different from any other ethnic group looking at itself in a favorable light?

I don’t think foolsguinea said anything anti-Semtic in those two posts you’ve copied. Jewish-owned media is media owned by Jews. She’s not saying all media is owned by jews. We 've got black owned media who like to promote the image that blacks aren’t a bunch of thieves and slackers.

Jews want to feel as if they are players on the world stage? That’s anti-Semetic? That sound much more like you are a thin-skinned shitmouth to me.

The “Jewish media” is “inflating the image of wealthy Jews.” Yeah, that doesn’t smack of anti-Semitism at all.

Look, saying Jews run Hollywood is not anti-Semitic. It’s absolutely true, though I’m not sure why it bothers people. Saying Jews are using their influence over Hollywood to warp public opinion about Jews is blatant anti-Semitism. Not to mention untrue.

When he/she adds “it’s kind of sad when you think about it” after saying something about “the Jews”, that’s a pretty decent indicator that it’s anti-semitic. Further, he/she said that it’s the fault of Jewish-owned media if someone’s world-view holds with the idea of ZOG (Zionist Occupied Government).

Pretty basic anti-semitic stuff, it seems to me. ‘The Jews don’t control the world, but it’s only their own fault if anyone thinks they do’ is nearly as bad as ‘The Jews control the world’.

Yeah, and how many times is the phrase “black owned media” used? Ever?

Make a list of the times the phrase “Jewish owned media” is used. Compare it to a list of antisemites. The correlation is high, like the denialism.

ETA: Oh, and “he’s just telling ‘the truth’. That’s not antisemitic/racist/whatever” is one of the most cliched defenses ever. It’s almost as bad as “I’m not racist. I’ve got minority friends.”

The OP should’ve quoted that first post in full, because that makes its disgustingness more obvious:

And it came after this:

The wonderful* thing about this defense is it’s often used to defend the most basic sorts of racist statements – like “it’s not racist to say black people are less intelligent if one really believes that it’s the truth!”, as if there are racists who believe black people are less intelligent, but it’s not the truth.

    • it’s not wonderful.

So biggirl outs herself as an antisemite too! I love threads like this. Who else wants to come in and say foolsguinea was just speaking sense and truth that we all know :roll eyes:

My “Dopers who are anti-Semitic or apologists for anti-Semitism” list just grew by two names. Thanks for that, at least.

Well then, I guess I am an anti-Semite then. I didn’t know claiming that people want to be considered players on the world stage and that saying groups want to project a positive image with their media makes me hate the jews. Good to know.

What about the rest of the stuff foolsguinea said, like “it’s kind of sad”, and blaming the Jews if anyone thinks they control the government?

I didn’t remark on anything in the other thread just the two quotes in the OP. After reading the other thread, I still think ya’ll are piling on. Saying it’s understandable why a drunk who is drunk would say awful things is not condoning the awful things said.

Although the Zionist owned government crap is pretty much, well --. I can’t defend that.

Horseshit. IME someone who says something stupid when drunk likely believes what they said. Being drunk just means that their filter is no longer functioning.

I don’t really get the whole “Jewish-owned media” thing.

I googled “Jewish-owned media”, “Jewish-owned media in the US”, and several other variants of the same. The first two pages of results were all CT sites and other disreputable sources (I didn’t look past the second page). I could not find one major news organization in the US that wholly owned by Jews and has a “Jewish agenda”.

I agree that media owned by Jews, Christians, or rainbow unicorns for that matter will likely not be disparaging to their owners. But holy fuck . . . is this something that really pops up on a frequent basis? Seems to me that their main aim is to make money. Lots of money.

Let’s look at Disney. The CEO is a JEW! OH NOES!!!11!!! 1 Does that mean Disney is controlled by a buncha Jews? No. Iger is a Jew, but so what? He answers to a Board, whose main goal is to make money. Lotsa money, for themselves and their stockholders. (I think. I failed business 101 so whadda I know?) Disney is not in the business of spreading Jewish propaganda, and neither are any of the other big media companies in the US that I know of.

Stating that Jews in Hollywood use their power and status for propaganda purposes is, IM not so HO, clearly anti-Semitic.

Please read again. Understanding that drunk people say things they would not say when sober and condoning tho things being said are two very different things.

Consider this conversation:

George called his wife a bitch.
Wow, I can’t believe he would say such a thing.
He was drunk
Oh, now I understand.
If you all are gonna pile on, pick something worth the pile on. Saying the US is a Jewish owned corporation? Now that’s worthy. Ah Fools, I’m sorry you’re a crazy jewish conspiracy nut. That makes me sad.

I used to believe that, until I realized I only dance when I’m drunk. It’s not just that my inhibitions have gone, it’s that I actually think I can dance. Alcohol changes my entire belief system!

Well, if they do run Hollywood, can somebody get into one of their secret meetings and tell them we’re sick of goddamned superhero movies?

FYI, in case anyone was wondering, I do not control the media. I don’t even control the cats. Sometimes I can control the three year old but that’s about it.

You’re putting on an act, right? Long running joke pretending not to be a good person? Please?

I would never “understand” that sort of behavior. Nor have I ever made a racist/sexist/demeaning comment while drunk I would not make while sober. The only thing that changes is my volume and intensity. The closest I’ve ever come to this is telling my college roommate he was being stupid (in public places, very loudly, and at length) and to just ask the girl out already - they’re married now.

It’s horseshit that alcohol is some kind of extenuating factor. I’ve never bought into “apologies” for things said while drunk. People aren’t sorry they said hurtful things. They’re sorry (1) they got caught, (2) that other people aren’t as racist/sexist/whatever as they believe, and (3) that “right thinking” people aren’t standing up for them more.