What did I make?

Yes, yes, I know. ‘You made a mess!’ But seriously…

Friday I sautéed some cut-up chicken thigh with chopped onions, chopped celery, minced garlic, salt, pepper, and celery seed. Then I added flour and cooked it a bit before adding milk and frozen mixed veg. When the sauce thickened, I put it into a little baking dish and topped it with Bisquick and baked it. The Bisquick pretty much absorbed all of the liquid. It tasted good, and the SO liked it; but…

What did I make? I mean, does it have a name?

You made a variant pot pie. Just with Bisquick instead of a pie crust on top. Sounds 50s to me.

Yeah, either that or a variant of chicken & dumplings. (I make mine by basically making a roux-thickened chicken soup and dumping dollops of Bisquick on top.)

Sounds like a pot pie.

Sounds like you may have inadvertently stumbled upon Bisquick drop dumplings (they figure big in my pressure-cooker Chicken & Dumpling recipe, which is, if I may be so bold, to die for).

Did you add the Bisquick dry, or mix it to batter, first?

Drat, Ninja’d by Pulykamell!

With a Jello salad on the side.

Chicken pot - Chicken pot - Chicken pot pie

Chicken Pot Pie. Weird Al live.

…and pineapple upsidedown cake for dessert.

If you used batter (which is my assumption), it can also be called chicken dumpling casserole.

Yeah, I was kind of going for a pot-pie style of thing, only with ‘dumplings’ instead of pie crust. (I don’t know how to make a pie crust.) But virtually all of the liquid was absorbed. I wasn’t entirely sure where I was going with it. I just wanted A) something hot; B) something that would be ready when the SO got home; and C) something that used stuff I had in the house, since I didn’t want to go to the market. So I made it up as I went along.

I made a batter.

Not quite the same, but maybe that’s what I’ll call it.

Well, that’s a relief, otherwise we’d have to fire you from your own kitchen.

Yup… it sounds like a variation on a chicken pot pie to me. Or more importantly… it sounds pretty darn good to me.

If you do learn, and you should, be sure to use lard. I’m a lard man and you should be one, too.

The SO has something against lard. (I once wanted to use lard to make refried beans, and she wouldn’t hear of it. It was OK for me to use bacon grease though. :stuck_out_tongue: ) It will have to be Crisco.

Keep a couple of the frozen pie crusts in the freezer for times like this. They aren’t home-made, but they’ll do for making a leftovers/freezer stash pot pie.

I have some puff pastry dough in the freezer. But I also have bangers. I thought I might make sausage rolls. No idea how. I just thought I’d take the sausage meat out of the casing, roll it up in the pastry dough, cut it into about two-inch portions, and bake it.

Anyway, good idea to keep frozen pie crusts. Only we have a 36-inch (?) wide fridge with French doors, so the freezer is pretty narrow. Also full. (I should get my film out of there and shoot some footage.)

Buy the Pillsbury kind that rolls up. THen it’s just storing a rectangle.