Aceplace57, what the fuck is wrong with you?

Maybe I’m overreacting a little, but your comments in the thread about Josh Duggar are absolutely disgusting:

So apparently, Josh was just a young teen who was horny, not a predator! I mean, I guess he could have resorted to Rosie Palm, but hey, all those girls in the family, why not? And hey, they did go to the police, right? (Except, not.)

I know, we all played doctor when we were fourteen with five-year-olds. It’s natural!

Yep, he’s a real prince:

Yeah, you gotta have respect for a religious bigot who thinks it’s okay to discriminate against gays and women. Because, you know, that takes courage.

Go sit on a cactus, ace.

Oh, and BTW, Christian fundamentalism is NOT two-thousand years old. It’s only a little over one-hundred years old.

Ace is the place for the helpful…shit, little help here?

God, this has been a long time coming. Think he’ll bother to show up?

I should probably tell him he’s being Pitted.

Hard teen man?

57 flavors?

Helpful hardon man?

Aceplace is making an unpopular assertion, big deal - people do that all the time. It’s not an assertion I agree with; but if the assertion is totally misguided, there were no cites that I could see that anyone cared to share with the board relevant to that.

The Duggars and Josh’s behavior and attitudes seem pretty skeevy to me - but I don’t see Aceplace really doing anything wrong other than having an unpopular opinion.

Fondling a five year old goes way beyond skeevy.

Good gawd Ace. Josh is a dumb fuck under any definition of the word. I wouldn’t trust him around an elementary school if he had a platoon of FBI agents watching him.

I agree with that - I’m as grossed out sickened by this as anyone.

My point is that as far as I can tell Aceplace is defending sickening behavior, but is that in and of itself wrong? Maybe it is, but the Dope generally is a place where these issues can be discussed in a critical manner; Aceplace does not seem to be going against board norms in his posting, he is just taking a very unpopular view.

Is taking an unpopular view and trying to explore it and defend in a logical way a truly pit worthy offense? Perhaps it is, perhaps not YMMV.

I just hope Ace’s sister turned out OK.

Well, handwaving away a teenage kid fondling his sisters while they slept as a benign case of “you show me yours I’ll show you mine” between innocent kids could be construed, by some of our overly sensitive, bleeding heart readers as severely fucking fucked up.

Yes, it is.

Ace never even pinged my radar until about a year ago, but since then everything he posts is either stupdi, creepy, or straight out of right-wing radio.

Unpopular opinions are pitted all the time around here. This board has never been tolerant of all ideas, thoughts, and opinions equally. No one is saying ace should get banned over his opinion, fer cryin’ out loud.

And often two out of three.

The most frustrating part is that he remained stubbornly ignorant of the facts throughout much of the thread. He didn’t seem to comprehend that it was five victims, not just one. He kept characterizing it as a stupid mistake instead of an obvious pattern of abuse. He had no clue that the Duggars homeschool their kids or that the “counseling” Josh and his victims received was faith-based, victim blaming, and based on the teachings of a guy accused of sexually harassing many different women himself. I wondered whether ace was even reading the thread.

He never seems to respond to anything in threads just throws out his ignorant opinion. Clearly he reads some part of the threads as it’s not completely random where he replies. I wish he’d actually engage in some way.