10 years sober

Fantastic! Congrats.



I’ve got a week today.

Congrats to you, I hope to get to where you are.

10 years and 1 day.

Congrats! 10 years is nothing compared to a week*! A week is a loooooong time.


*It gets easier as you go, at least it did for me. A day was incredible, a week was amazing. And so on…

If you are having trouble with that first day, just remember there is lots of help available for you.

And if you try one AA or NA meeting but you don’t like the people there, you can always try a second or a third meeting.

Sometimes it takes going to a few of them before you find one that feels right for you and for the people there to just seem like your kind of people.

But if you keep trying, you will find some people that will feel right and you will find a meeting that feels right.

If you will just keep trying, I’m sure you will ultimately find what you need. Once you do, one of the people there will be glad to help you find more people and more meetings to help you - one day at a time.

Some people scoff at the notion, “One day at a time”. They say everyone has to do it “one day at a time” because there just is no other way and it’s just stupid to focus on that saying and keep repeating it.

But, just remember that if you will keep coming back to that notion of “one day at a time” and you get through that first day (even if you need someone to help you), then you will still come back to that concept of “one day at a time” and that will stay with you for however long you want!

So, get out there and get going!

If you really want to do it, you can do it.!


I got really sick (blood sugar down to 37) & then I finally got willing. Again. I graduate from an Intensive Outpatient Program this coming Monday!

Meantime, my HOUSE rehab is driving me crazy with the plaster dust, noise and chaos. And I go in for cataract surgery this morning.

But I’m 2 1/2 months sober, which is some kind of miracle for me. Thanks for the encouragement, all!

Awesome job Atomic Mama!

You go Atomic Mama! Congratulations on making it through the outpatient program. And congratulations for putting up with the house rehab and the sugery. In the long run, all is to improve your life. Take it slow but don’t forget to see how far you have already come. Electronic hug {{Atomic Mama}}. You rock.

Cataract surgery and plaster dust don’t mix very well so go careful there. You might want to wear safety goggles to keep the dust out of your eyes.

I quit the daily habit 3 years ago when I developed fatty liver. Now, there’s just the occasional invite from friends. Nothing wrong with that. I find 10 years of abstinence a bit strange. Do you still consider yourself a sober drinker?

Not sure if this is directed at me but…

I am at 12 years, this is an old thread that got resurrected.

I am a recovering alkie meaning meaning I haven’t drank today and if I did drink, very bad things would happen.


Congratulations, Atomic Mama!

And sleestak, congrats on your upcoming 12th anniversary! I had 19 years, but decided that a beer or two wouldn’t hurt.:smack:

Now I have 22 months.:slight_smile:

Everyone’s journey is different. Congrats, and keep up the good work!