100th Post!

Ok, I know it’s annoying (especially for you 4-digit Dopers) when little newbies like me get all worked up about their 100th post, but I couldn’t help it! It really is rather exciting. :smiley:

Yes, although I’m technically posting this about 4 posts too late, I still wanted to celebrate a bit…and also ask…

How am I doing so far? :slight_smile:

100??? Daaaaling you look dont look a post past 25!!! You hold up well.

How could I miss the post party for my bride/exwife to be??? I brought the 151 and coke!

Happy 100!

Good for you. :smiley:

m of the day I can reach triple digits. ch triple digits

thanks for the replies even though I still don’t know how I’m doing. :confused:

Thanks! :slight_smile: