14 years ago, a 9-year-old found a 700-year-old coin...

…and didn’t tell anyone. Until recently.

Today I learned: Coroner has a vastly different meaning when discussing finding an old coin.

Ditto. I was wondering how different coroners in the UK are than in the US.

Jesus Christ, that article reads like it was written by a 9 year old.

It was awful!

No shit. Is it really necessary to break up a 2-minute read into a dozen “chapters?”

It’s probably the long form of some clickbait. Yes, there is a clickbait version where one has to repeatedly click “next” to get the whole story.

Not to mention that the article writer has flat out decided that she’s entitled to keep the coin, without providing any discussion of its potential historical/archaeological value. Maybe it doesn’t have much and the museum would just have tossed it in a drawer and forgotten it, but the article makes it clear that the museum really wanted it and doesn’t bother to address the issue at all.

You don’t read much James Patterson, do you?

fascinating story, I googled it, she was sued but ultimately won the day and the treasure.

With the technology available today, I don’t understand why the museum couldn’t work out an agreement with her to work up a full 3d model of the coin, as well as do a study of the composition of the coin. What archaeological value is gained from having it exclusively in their possession?

I’m not getting it. Is a specific law in the UK that old shit has to be turned in? Why? A country that old must be full of old shit going back thousands of years.

I’m on the side she should be able to keep it. Why is that wrong? it’s not some old king’s bones or anything.

The old shit doesn’t have to be turned in, but the finder must report it, and if the old shit is deemed to be INTERESTING old shit, the finder must give a museum a chance to buy it at a fair price, set by an independent board.

This is the specific law:



Although that looks like it would need two coins to apply, at first read.

[Too late}


I think it’s just written to keep us scrolling until we’ve loaded our browser with as many ads as there are stars in the Crab Nebula.

A more readable article was posted by the BBC in 2010. Their initial story is here.

Not sure why it’s in the news this year. The timeline is basically:

She took it to a museum for authentication January 2009, and was told to take it to the Coroner within 14 days. She did not do that.

In February 2010 she was convicted under the 1996 Treasure Act, fined 25 pounds and told to turn in the coin.

In July 2010 she appealed and convinced the court that the find had been made before 1996, so that the law did not apply. But she handed the coin in to the Coroner after that.

In June 2011 she was told that it had to go to a museum.

Did they finally let go of that this year?

Everything I know about this I learned from the series “The Detectorists”. If y’all haven’t seen it, it’s a gentle, funny series about the oddities of some folks who look for buried treasure for a hobby.

So, one?

OK, the size of the crab nebula.