14th Human Foot washes ashore

Not me, I’m going to either Subway or Nathan’s Hot Dogs, both of which sell a foot long.

Thanks for trotting out some facts and jogging our memories.

Ask for the Runner’s Special.

One belonged to a Japanese woman, named Irene.

Come on, guys - we need to step up our game here. Don’t be loafers.


Physician, heel thyself.

I understand that ICE is desperately searching for the rest of the attempted undocumented immigrants. :mad:

With the number of cases increasing, we will soon have to call in a tow truck to haul around the evidence!

I did note that one of the finds was missing for 24 years before being found! A true case of cold feet about making an appearance.

Get off your high heels and admit it. How many of you sneakers into this thread are here just for the puns?

Now I have my foot in my mouth!

Y’all can go tip a toe into the ocean.

If we’re going to tip toe thru anything, have any (collagen-injected, so they float) pairs of lips washed up?

Tiptoe through the tulips, hah! I get it.
Spidey, you’re walking on the edge, there.

Isn’t he always? :slight_smile: A foot from disaster and only a web to save him…

Trump was right, in other words. Some of them are good people, but only from the ankles down.


Today’s earworm: Michael, wash the foot ashore.

Clearly, a Hokey Pokey gone horribly wrong.

Oh, ouch! Thanks for that image.

OTOH, think how much easier it would be to play Twister.

But did the finders shake it all about?

Masses of people are committing suicide by throwing themselves into the ocean?
How do I get my former wife there? Just a little tip…