Some of you know that I’m a “retired” full time cop (though I took a part-time patrol job to hang on to the badge) and that for the last several years I’ve been working as a business security consultant.
I’m telling you, fucking DILBERT is taking place in my office! Scott Adams must be doing surveillance in our building! Many of the 'toons he does have happened at my work right down to the lines spoken. And what really scares the fuck out of me is the manager who is above me actually looks just like the boss in the strip! Jesus!
And then there’s Arlo and Janis. 99% of what goes on in that strip is, or already has, happened in our house! the only difference is, my wife is a blonde.
So, if you want to know what it’s like to be PKBITES, read those 2 strips. Just keep in mind, they’re fucking creeping me out!
Sorry PK, but Dilbert doesn’t work in your office. I know this because he has worked in mine for years now. Furthermore he can fortell the future.
Every time some corp BS comes out, my Dilbert a day calendar has that topic also.
It’s erie I tell you.
LOL! I know what you mean! Dilbert uncannily resembles my ex-place of work too. My project manager was a complete fucktard just like the one in Dilbert. He tries to understand what you’re saying about computers and such, but you know that while you’re talking to him he has a some Weird Al Yankovic song playing full blast in his mind. I read a Dilbert the other day and the project manager says to Dilbert “Our executives have started their annual strategic planning sessions. This involves sitting in a room with inadequate data until an illusion of knowledge is attained.” That is so true. I don’t know how many times I have had to explain my application’s intentions and abilities to someone higher on the corporate food chain because the information wasn’t accurately relayed. BAH!
This is exactly why I don’t find Dilbert very funny. In my opinion, there are three phases to appreciating Dilbert:
Phase one (the unemployed): I don’t get it.
Phase two (the employed but ‘asleep’): Ha! This is hilarious! It’s just like the place where I work!
Phase three (the employed and ‘awake’): Fuck, this is depressing. It’s just like the place where I work!
There’s nothing funny about the fact that so many people can relate to Dilbert. It’s frightening and sad that so many company are so dysfunctional and run by complete idiots. It’s sad that so many workers feel treated like shit in a job that our society has determined is more important than anything else in their lives.
So many company succeed despite their management rather than because of it. The place I work now is the third place I’ve ever worked where one person has so much control over things that if that person were to drown in a swimming pool, the company would more or less shut down. And yet that person, who must be consulted before doing anything, is impossible to get in touch with and doesn’t respond to people. That’s insane, and yet as I said, it’s the third place I’ve worked that operated this way.
Dilbert is depressing to me. I don’t want to think that so many places of employment operate in that way, and yet everyone says “it’s just like where I work!”
Dilbert is designed to look like a lot of work places. Scott Adams frequently says that he gets a lot of his ideas from fans who write in with real life situations and examples. But he only uses those situations that a lot of people from different companies have written about - mostly due to fear of a lawsuit if he used instances specific to one company.
I have been extremely lucky in the places where I have worked. They are all run by competent, friendly individuals who actually treat their employees with respect and listen to their ideas.
Hey, if you can’t laugh at it, then why live. A lot of things are depressing… can’t do anything about them. If you can’t laugh then life sucks.
Bloodhound Gang sing a song that says: “Life is a game that no-one wins, but you deserve a head start the way your life’s going. So throw in the towel cause your life aint shit, no take the towel and hang yourself with it. Life is short and hard like a body building elf, so save the planet and kill yourself. If you are feeling down and out with what our life is all about lift your head up high and blow your brains out.” Depressing, but true, therefore funny. Hilarious in fact.
It only updates three days a week, but it’s guaranteed not to resonate too strongly with your workplace unless you happen to work at a supermarket tabloid with a top-secret secondary mission statement. And the people who read it all seem to think it’s really funny.
note to moderators: I don’t make any money on this comic - its a labor of love - so I hope you won’t consider this post to be spam.
gatopescado, Chef Troy, thanks a million for pointing me to those really great comics.
One of my favorite strips not shown in the papers is The Parking Lot is Full. It is not a window onto a pleasant world, but it is interesting and more than a little amusing.
He revealed he was a Transformer and was marrying Optimus Prime. But then Cobra Commander and Skeletor ruined the wedding by unleashing the M.U.S.C.L.E.s to object when the minister got to that part. Suddenly, Barbie showed up 8 months pregnant with Prime’s baby, so Prime dropped Rex in favor of Barbie. They were married by Count Chocula in the Hall of Justice. Rex went insane and was confined to Arkan Aslyum for the rest of the week, where he conversed with the Cat in the Hat about Chester Cheetah and his addiction problems.