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Full Frontal Nerdity
Least I Could Do
Dork Tower
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Order of the Stick Better make that this link instead.
Full Frontal Nerdity
Least I Could Do
Dork Tower
Cul de Sac is what you should be reading.
Get fuzzy used to be hilarious not so much any more. Bucky (the cat) being a jerk can’t be the only thing that you base a comic around. But that is what the cartoonist has been doing for the last few years.
Eric the circle is a comic the is written by the masses. I am not quite sure how the comics are chosen for publication from among the stuff people submit. I think that people vote them up or down on the eric the circle website. I don’t know of any wisdom of the crowds type publication that is not extremely hit or miss and Eric the circle seems to hit pretty infrequently.
I adore Get Fuzzy, but it’s past its prime. They used to have wonderfully odd cat and dog friends stop in. Bucky is a self-centered narcissist who is chock full of knowledge, all wrong! - and big ideas that don’t pan out. They haven’t left that apartment in ages and just stand around blathering nonsense at each other now. The collections are really amusing, though, and there is an occasional really touching strip that brings a tear to my eye. I think it’s well drawn. I wish Rob would get a girlfriend or something, like Garfield’s owner. Open it up! Bring in a new character! Go outside! Put Bucky in the Bundle O’ Joy baby carrier, visit the zoo, have Bucky escape and insult some animals! It’s turning into a boring 3-person off-Broadway play.
Wait a minute…I seem to recall a long time ago, Bucky DID mix it up with a real monkey! Got the stuffing knocked out of him, lol!
He wants to eat them, and believes them to be a plague on human and cat kind, but I didn’t know that he had mixed it up with one…
I agree-the comic timing is all off more often than not-too much dialogue not enough space for the jokes to breathe. Contrast GF to how Schultz would pull off a timely gag in Peanuts, or Watterson in C & H. That said, it is on my daily queue and is occasionally chuckle-inducing.