You can change your appearence. You can select the rough age, ethnic origin and gender you wish to appear as but no more. All other charactaristics will be random. What you are wearing will automatically change apparant size to fit your new appearence. You can change back to youirself reliably, but you cannot recreate any other prevous appearance. Your ID documents don’t change.
You can teleport anywhere in the world.
Both superpowers have a 1 hour cooldown before you can use it or the other one again. Neither power can be used whilst under observation by a human or any device capable of creating human viewable images. (Babies and others incapable of understanding what they saw don’t count as human for these purposes)
Can you carry objects with you when you teleport? Can I stuff my pockets with cash inside a bank vault, wait an hour and then zip out of there? If not, maybe you could steal corporate secrets. You could either sell them to rival companies, or use your insider information to gain a competitive advantage yourself.
That teleportation ability could make you a decent living as a courier for small, high value objects - works of art, confidential or important documents, a shoebox full of MicroSD cards, that sort of thing.
“Anything I can carry, delivered from anywhere on Earth to anywhere on Earth, in two hours or less. Only $100,000 per delivery.”
I figure there are plenty of governments, corporations, and just plain rich people who would pay for this service.
You’d probably have to learn some actual stage magic as well, just to pad out the act a bit. You could do a few mediocre card tricks, pull a rabbit out of a hat and just as the audience is nodding off… Wham! Hit 'em with something obviously impossible. Yeah, that could work.