What is it with the obituaries? Every day I see someone in their 20s or 30s who “died at home” and there’s no explanation, no cancer fund memorial, no mention of any disease or ailment.
WTF is that supposed to mean?
Are they overdosing?
What is it with the obituaries? Every day I see someone in their 20s or 30s who “died at home” and there’s no explanation, no cancer fund memorial, no mention of any disease or ailment.
WTF is that supposed to mean?
Are they overdosing?
It could be anything. Maybe it was a suicide or an overdose. However, maybe they just don’t want the disease announced. It could be AIDS or maybe they just don’t want to share a cancer diagnosis with the whole world.
Not exactly a definitive answer, but “NHTSA has reported that
43,005 people died in motor
vehicle crashes in 2002 and that
motor vehicle traffic crashes were the
8th-leading cause of death among all
ages that year.But broken down by age,
crashes were the No. 1 cause of death for
every age from 3 through 33.”
I’ll bet that accounts for a big chunk of those deaths.
How do you die of a motor vehicle crash at home?
That’s some driveway!
My WAG is a disease of some sort or an addiction problem.
They seem to be mostly straight men, at least they’re leaving wives & kids.
I wish they’d say what happened, let me know exactly what to be paranoid about. Perhaps they disclose less b/c it’s a smaller town & people actually DO know each other.
Maybe they’re all dying of illusory correlation.
Well, aside from folks who may have survived the initial crash and then returned home…probably not too many.
But in my further googlage, I found this rather disturbing site about cardiac deaths by age group. Who knew so many young folks die from it?
bup was being a little wise-assy, but he’s right.
What are you talking about, here? Do you have some statistics, or a link to an article, that indicates men in their 20’s & 30’s have been dying at higher than usual rates?
It’ll save you a lot of hypothesizing about the reasons if you can recognize from the start that your premise is wrong.
I’m not saying they’re dying from higher rates, or that it’s unusual — I just want to know why they’re dying! (I guess my title DOES suggest that, though; I was just trying to be Faux-newsish)
I mean, you expect some poor slob who’s in their 80s to die at home of no specific cause (don’t we all want to go that way?).
But in your 20s & 30s you’re supposed to die in the hospital from some kind of car accident, as per Kalhoun’s cite.
Why would adults in their prime be dying at home?
A lot of them are suicides, perhaps dressed up as accidental deaths.
Hi! I’m a twenty-something and I’m feeling fine. I’m as fit as a fiddle and can run laps…around…I’m feeling kind of woozy…
going donw…crashingzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
drool ensues on keyboard
Somebody wake LOUNE up, will ya?
I looked over my 2005 stats. These are my personal autopsies on 20 to 30 year olds, and bear in mind that in my jurisdiction we don’t autopsy most of the people who die in motor vehicle accidents, nor do we autopsy the people who die in hospital of natural causes.
30 men. 19 gunshot wound homicides. 3 overdoses. 2 gunshot wound suicides. 1 seizure disorder. 1 stupid idiot who had had a heart transplant who did cocaine. 1 guy who crashed his car during a police chase. 3 whom I never did figure out what they died from.
12 women. 3 gunshot wound homicides. 2 overdoses. 2 pulmonary emboli. 1 myocarditis. 1 morbidly obese diabetic with a heart attack. 1 pedestrian struck by a car while she was on hands and knees in the road - couldn’t prove it but I think she was looking for a dropped locket from a chain; alcohol played a role (shocking!). 1 postpartum death that I think was probably due to cardiomyopathy of pregnancy but I couldn’t prove it, so in essence I never did figure out what she died from.
I hate the “never did figure out what” cases. I usually have four or five of them a year. This year, four out of the five were in the 20 to 30 year old group.
LOUNE? (shaking shoulder) LOUNE? Can you hear me?
…oh…I did it…last night…
blinks a few times, looking at the drool on the keyboard
I don’t even want to think about what pattern the side of my face might have on it.
It has a post to the Straight Dope.
Oh, now that I understand the OP, I’ll stop being so damned smug.
A lot of people with terminal illnesses choose to die at home rather than in a hospital.
I would say that people who were born with diseases and need 'round-the-clock nursing usually die in young adulthood if not before - except you mentioned they leave wives and kids behind. I’m going to need stats on that, though - what percent are really married?
Ohhhhhh - so THAT’s who gabriela is - wow! Fascinating!
2/3 homicides? Huh! I guess the obit wouldn’t necessarily state “murdered.”
Well, today’s paper was all golden oldies, bup - I’ll have to watch for that, though. Seems like maybe half of them have wives/kids (which would explain the homicides) (I keed I keed).