Do you skip the intro, the blank screen and music?
No, I don’t skip it. I love it when movies have overtures. However, I wouldn’t begrudge anyone skipping over it. People barely listened in the theater anyway; they were finding seats, chatting, getting popcorn, etc.
Never. In the film’s context, I like to dwell on it as the billions of years in the universe that came before “The Dawn of Man”. Plus it really gets me in the mood for the whole movie.
ah… i knew there was a reason why it was i this brilliant movie!
butler did it.
Nope. I love all the music from that movie.
Yes. I usually skip overtures and intermission music in movies like* 2001 *and Ice Station Zebra. I appreciate that the DVDs have it in there, but I want to watch the movie. The music was there for people finding a seat, or going out for a smoke. Since I’m doing neither, I think sitting there for 5-10 minutes watching a submarine plow the surface is a waste of my time.
There is not a single moment of that film which one should be skipping. Not a frame wasted. Not a sound effect or musical note out of place or unnecessary.
A masterpiece in every way.
This is becoming a thing on older movies - I noticed the same thing when I rented Lawrence of Arabia (and others, but I’m blanking on which ones). I also always skip the overtures and the intermissions.
In the future, maybe I’ll put the movie in early while I’m getting my drinks and snacks to set the mood, but for now I want to skip to the action.
If you’re watching 2001 for the action, you’ve got a lot of skipping to do.
I’d skip through the intermission, but the intro and opening music is part-and-parcel of the experience. I hear people complain that 2001 is too slow and boring, like the opening still shots of desert. When I saw it for the first time, I appreciated that wasn’t hitting me over the head with wham-bam action right from the start. I like to soak up the atmosphere in the so-called slow parts.
When did it get to the wham-bam action? Must have been in the Director’s Cut?
Now, I like the movie. But it’s ALL slow parts. That’s the way it was made. It’s not a space opera.
And I can listen to the soundtrack anytime without having to stare at a black screen.
Ice Station Zebra has oveture, intermission, entre act and exit music. I love it.
IMHO, people who think 2001 is slow and boring need to go watch Star Wars or some other children’s movie.
No, I never skip an overture, and I only skip intermissions if “nature is calling”. But then, I’m a musician so that’s to be expected.
You are aware, that is what intermissions were for? The filmmakers never expected anyone to be watching them.
The music is part of the movie, and that specific music is there for a reason.
I agree. Gotta watch the intro. Gets me into the right frame of mind and mood.
Exactly. It is the only flick I have seen over 20 times! Wouldn’t miss a frame or note.
You’ve never seen the car chase through the epic battle scene?
I’d say it’s slow parts punctuated by emotional peaks rather than wham-bam action, like the discovery by the ape of the bone as a tool, and the entry into the stargate, both of which were religious experiences for me. It’s kind of an anti-movie for the music video generation (if that term is still applicable). Thank goodness Kubrick wasn’t born thirty years later.