2006 Weight Loss Club - July

Congrats and good luck on the rest of the journey.

Glory: Wow, great job and you’re keeping it off.
I am on a business trip and doing worse than I expected. I tried to shoot down to the Cincinnati Reds games tonight and I hit unbelievable traffic.
I-71 was crawling or stopped. I went only 4 miles in 30 minutes and jumped off at exit 15 were I hit a traffic light that was out and without power. I took a road that should have got me back to Route 3 but I hit another backup. I tried another route and spent 10+ minutes waiting for dozens of cars to get through a 4-way stop. Then I took a little back road that should have snuck me back close to the Hotel but that was under construction.

I finally made it back to the Hotel and ate at the Bob Evans right in front of it. I had a large Turkey with Stuffing and gravy meal with Banana Bread and no exercise today.
Good solid and fatty comfort food. At least I had a salad for lunch.

My wife told me the new Tanita BF679W Duo Scale Plus Body Fat Monitor with Body Water arrive today.

Good luck everyone,

I’ve been out of this thread, because I’ve basically been off my diet. Hell, I had French toast (a full order) and bacon for lunch when I was on a business trip last week.

Went to the dr. this morning to get blood drawn – they did weight and BP as well. Got on the scale, and I was under 200 at the dr’s office for the first time this millennium. I hadn’t eaten yet (because I was there to get blood drawn), but had had a bottle and a half of water, and was dressed (albeit in a very light, gauzy dress) – but dayum, I automatically put the weights over to 200 when I got on the scale.

And I was 198.

After I’ve been off my diet for the last couple weeks.

dance of joy

Yay, twicks! You probably sweated a bunch of it off last Saturday! Damn! It was hot! :wink:

Hee! Could be. I was kind of surprised at how little I ate, esp. considering how much excellent food there was.

There was a lot of excellent food (in addition to the kimche)! These days, though, my stomach holds about 4 oz. so that keeps me pretty well in check! :wink:

Gratz Twickster!

I’ve been out of the thread for pretty much the same reason as Twickster - I kinda fell off the wagon. But, but, but, but I signed up at the gym at the Uni in town a week ago ($80/3mths vs $80/mth for the commercial gyms? Booyah!), and I’ve been working out for an hour or so every other day. Four hours in total in the last week. And I weighed myself yesterday, only to find that I haven’t gained weight (even with my stupid eating over the last fornight) - I’ve lost 400g! Yaaah!

Back on the good-food pony and we’ll be on the right track again.

Congratulations to so many of you who are having successes. And I include sticking to your plans in spite of plateaus as successes as well.

I’ve been on the HMR medically-supervised “fast” for the last 25 weeks. I’ve lost 30 pounds, most of it in the first 3 months. Despite a looooong plateau I’ve stuck with it, worked out a lot, tried to be patient, and have begun to lose a couple of pounds once again.

Having been on the fast for 6 months, I’ve decided to switch to the other HMR plan which lets me eat fruits and vegetables now, and I’m currently introducing them slowly to my sensitive digestion. I continue to use the plan’s meal replacements, but will add a minimum of 5 servings of fruits and veggies a day. Now I will be able to go to restaurants once again and order salads or steamed veggies over a potato, and once I’ve made the transition, I will no longer need the potassium supplements, biweekly bloodtests, nor the weekly doctor visits.

Time for the last 20 pounds to come off!

I didn’t post last weekend because I was on vacation the previous week and did all kinds of bad things to my diet. This week I am back on track and have gone back to basics: Keep a food journal. Doing this has shown that I have really done very little to cut calories. However, I have also done very well this week to cut sweets. I had a little craving last night - got out the ice cream and before it could get soft enough to eat, I put it back. Today I had some cravings for cookies on the way to work but again, overcame them.

Wow, you all are an inspiration. Thanks for sharing your successes (and your challenges)

I’m mostly weighing the same but that’s because I’m mostly eating the same. My problem is, has been and probably always will be, quantity. I’ve done better with controlling my consumption this week and have gotten back down to 176.5 after a trip up to 181 last week.

The scale is a harsh mistress.

I just need to keep walking and eating less.

Well, I hate to risk jinxing myself by saying it, but I think my plateau might be breaking. On Wednesday morning, my scale weighed me in at 301 (for almost three weeks, it had been 300/301/300/301, occasionally as high as 302.5); but yesterday morning, it was 299.5, and today, 299. So, keep your fingers crossed.

I’m doing all the right things. I’m following the rules my surgeon set down for me. I’m getting 90-100g of protein a day, 64oz. of water a day, not too many carbs, and no simple carbs (except for the two Jelly Bellies that I ate two days ago while I was waiting for my lunch to cook :wink: ); it just seems my body needed a “rest period” after that fast initial loss.

Okay, the plateau is officially broken! This morning, on my scale, I was down to 297.5.

Please note that I use my doctor’s scale (which weighs me several pounds lighter than mine) for my official numbers, but I can certainly track my progress on mine.

Excellent, good news.

velvetjones: Trips and vacations have been my biggest worries so far, I almost feel like an alcoholic and fear I will fall off the wagon.

I am now weighing in on two scales every morning as I am getting used to my new Tanita scale. It puts my weight 2 pounds higher than the scale I have been using and to keep my original trending I will continue to use both scales for the next week.
Despite a business trips to Cincinnati I have manage to come out of this week with no weight gain. I am pleased with that results as I ate at Bob Evans twice while I was away. Overall, I was still good, but I definitely ate worse than I have been.

I still cannot get a consistent exercise program started, I have to do this soon, but July’s heat saps my ability to exercise outside. :frowning:


187 this morning so I lost this week but probably would have been 186 or 185 if I’d been a little more diligent. I’ve been a bit up and down with my moods lately and have been turning to food, which only makes it worse, and I am sure all of you know the story. I’ve not let it hurt me too much, though, so I’m not that bothered by it.


Initial Weight: 360 lbs
Current Weight: 187 lbs
Goal Weight: 150 lbs

173 lbs down; 37 to go.

And congratulations, **twickster **and norinew.

For the record, I seem to have hit a “plateau” – the first 25 lbs. came off quite easily (at the rate of 3+ lbs./week) but since 7/06 (a little over two weeks) I have lost only 3, maybe 3.5 lbs. tops. It has been from fat, though – my body fat is down to 22.4%.

I’m basically at the weight I was 3 or 4 years ago, so I guess my body feels this is a fairly “natural” state to be in.

This is my first post in this thread, though I have been reading it pretty regularly.

I’ve lost ~20 pounds in the last 3 months. I was at 190 and I am not all that tall, about 5’8. All that weight was pretty much in my gut. My arms and legs have always been pretty skinny. Anyway, I started working out three times a week. I am down to 169 and my gut is starting to go away. I just found out I have gall stones* (ACK! How’d that happen?) and eating high fat foods make them hurt so I have changed my eating habits pretty drastically in the past couple weeks. (I hate the word diet) Lots of salad and chicken. I also switched to diet soda and that helped a lot.

The coolest thing is that my stamina is way better than it was. I am a recovering alcoholic and when I was drinking I didn’t do much else. I got up to about 200 but dropped weight when I quit drinking but I was still in pretty lousy shape. Now I am in much better shape and doing things that used to wear me out dn’t bother me all that much.

Congrats to everyone in the thread. It is encouraging to see others doing so well.


Initial Weight: 190 lbs
Current Weight: 169 lbs
Goal Weight: ~150 lbs

  • I might have to have my gall bladder removed. I figure that should be good for a pound. :slight_smile:

This week – who knows.

YTD: -15. My goal for '06 is another 5.

Welcome, Sleestack!

If you do have to have your gall bladder removed, please be aware that several days in the hospital can really pack on the pounds with IV fluids. Of course, it’s not a “true” weight gain, but if you’re not expecting it, it can freak you out.

I was getting ready for work a few moments ago and couldn’t find a clean pair of pants to wear so I though I would try on the pair of jeans I had bought at a yard sale a few weeks ago but hadn’t worn yet because I had bought them in advance and, surprisingly, they fit.

I’m wearing a pair of size 34 jeans. My mind is boggled.

I went on a hiking holiday last week in Banff, Canada. We hiked 20km each day through the mountains, when the week was done, I had hiked 100km! This resulted in a 2 pound weight drop! I’m so close to my goal weight I can feel it.

Only about 5 pounds to go. Give or take with water loss.

Yay, Quasi!

My weight goal is still very many pounds away, so I’ve set some mini-milestones for myself, to help keep me from getting discouraged.