2006 Weight Loss Club - July

I’ve been walking most evenings (as a way to ease back into exercising) and have cut down my simple carbohydrates. Also, I haven’t eaten uot all week in order to decrease salt.

Thanks, **norinew ** and What Exit? . I’m actually not feeling bad at all bout the lapse, only somewhat annoyed that I have to work to get back to where I was, which I’m fairly certain I’ll hit. Five pounds is nothing compared to the previous 166.

This, unfortunately, is not the first time I have done this and, like you, I weigh myself daily and after large meals and evacuations simply out of curiosity so I know from experience that if I keep on track, I’ll likely be at or near my beginning weight come Friday.

And, for what it’s worth, I don’t seem to lose weight in the same pattern you do. I might have the ocassional burst of weightloss that I can’t explain but there’s never a real pattern and I tend to lose day to day. There is almost always some loss every night when compared to the morning weigh-in if I keep track of my intake and don’t overindulge.

My clavicles have been conspicuous for a while now (I press on them occasionally because it’s still a novelty for me to see and feel my bones) but I just noticed for the first time that I can feel my scapula while I was stretching last night and it was a little disconcerting. Should my shoulders be so thin when I’m still a good thirty to forty pounds overweight? I’m not worried but it was kind of strange.

Anyway, as hoped for and/or expected, I am at 188.2 as of only a moment ago. Hopefully I will be able to continue the loss into next week instead of trying to get back to the previous week’s number by Friday as I’ve been doing for the past two weeks. I’ve been at or around this weight for two weeks now and I’m ready to start losing again.

Initial Weight: 360 lbs
Current Weight: 188 lbs
Goal Weight: 150 lbs

172 lbs down; 38 to go.

.089% there.

…0819%, rather. I wish I were at 173.

Damn it! 0.819%!

I hate math.

Well, there’s a message board I post on that’s for people who’ve had or are anticipating the kind of weight loss surgery I’ve had. On there, it seems pretty common to lose weight “from the top down”, so yeah, I’d say it’s pretty normal for your shoulders to be so thin when you still have a ways to go.

Wish me luck, I will be on a surprise business trip next week in Cincinnati and I imagine my diet will suffer from necessity.

Good luck everyone,

Aesiron–you’re amazing! Would you be at all interested in posting before and after photos?

I don’t have many full body pictures of me so the effect is somewhat lessened but sure:

Early 2004: ~360
July 2005: ~270
October 2005: ~250
Late 2005 ~230
February 2006: ~220
And April to May 2006: ~210.

The last picture is the most recent one I have of me and was taken at the beginning of May.

And, just in case anyone says it, I ***am ***smiling in about half of those. I’m just not very expressive, nor do I photograph well.

Er. That last statement came out a bit more bitchy than I intended it, which is not at all. Sorry 'bout that… I’m just a little self-conscious about them and people almost always comment on my smile or lack thereof so I was trying to head it off at the pass.

And, also, thanks for the heads-up, norinew. I am glad to know my Somali-esque shoulders are nothing to be concerned over.

Today is the first day since September that I’ve gotten up and exercised before breakfast. This is what usually works best for me but it’s difficult and for months it wasn’t doing anything (e.g., no weight loss, size change, improvement in blood sugar, etc.). I feel cautiously hopeful that I’ve got my metabolism lined up enough to be responsive, and since I’m teaching 9-5 today, my only chance to exercise in the day was at 7:00 AM.

Good luck, Shoshana.

Thanks for the photos, I feel super cheezy saying it but grats.
It’s hard work, but I feel SO good and so strong and so healthy, even though I’m only halfway there. Yay for everyone :wink:

You’re welcome and thank you.

My sister has a full body picture of me at or near my heaviest and the next time I visit her, I will try to get it so that I can scan it for a real before-and-after comparison if you like.

I’m dancing for joy!!! I’m down to 300!

Initial Weight: 325 lbs
Current Weight: 300 lbs
Goal Weight: 225-240 lbs

I was really surprised to see 300 on the scale, I triple checked it because last time I weighed myself was at 306. So this was an amazingly pleasant shock.

ronincyberpunk, yay for you!

I know exactly how you feel. I’m on a plateau right now, for the last two and a half weeks, the scale’s been 300, 301, 300. . .etc. But one magical day last week it read 299.5. I wanted to take a picture of it! :wink:

I’ve been remiss in going to the Y, but I’ve not missed out on the exercise, what with the new house makeover and the packing of our stuff at the old. Yesterday I was at 215, for -3 since last time.

Hauling construction trash in 95F heat and not eating tends to do that to a person… :wink:

(Yes, I kept drinking my water, too)

I love this thread! I read it often to cheer your progress!

This week is significant for me, it marks the 2 year anniversary of my big change. July 15, 2004 I came home from a big work conference where I basically ate my way from one meeting to another. Brownies, snicker bars, candy, booze. I felt like hell, no energy, depressed, hating myself. Something kind of snapped and I decided that day to overhaul the way I eat forever.

Down 68 lbs and maintaining for over a year. Good luck to all of you, it’s hard work but so worth it!

Obligatory - old loose clothes pic

**Aesiron, ** thank you, and continuing best of luck to you. I am holding steady at -7#. I took yesterday off to give my body a break. Next week I think I’ll substitute weights instead. I get shin splints pretty easily so I’m trying to be careful.

How you doin’?