2006 Weight Loss Club - July

Khadaji, here’s my “sweet tooth satisfier”, and the whole family loves it!
1 sm. pkg. sugar free/fat free chocolate pudding mix
2C skim milk
1 sm. tub fat free Cool Whip, thawed.

Mix pudding mix and milk in a largish bowl, and allow to set in refrigerator for 30 minutes (or more); fold in Cool Whip.

You’ve got almost no fat, very little sugar, and even some nutrition from the milk. But it looks and tastes decadent. I call it Chocolate Fluff.

Norinew, a slight hijack. How’s the recovery from the actual surgery going?

Better than I had expected. I’m still in the process of getting my energy back. But my appetite is better. And last night we went to the park to see fireworks, and I did quite a bit of walking there. I know the only way to get my energy back up is to expend energy!

Thanks for asking! :slight_smile:

Mine was laparoscopic; YMWV. I bounced back from everything in about a week, except for the stamina. That took a month before I was at or exceeding pre-op levels. I rode my bike for about a two mile jaunt through the hood at about a week, and that really kicked my ass. I could walk the two miles, and would be fine…

Oh yeah, What Exit I’m 5’9. Reccomended weight for me is in between 150-170 pounds.

VunderBob, check your email.

Hmmm, sounds like my long-range goal should be under 170 then. I am only 5’8".
I will worry about the last 5 to 10 lbs when I make it down to 175. :slight_smile:

I really understand your post, I would pretty much stop weekly and bring something in for the IT/Finance area and whoever wandered back by us. Of course it would be something I liked, like an Entenmann’s crumb cake or cheese Danish and I would end up as the day went on, eating way too much of it.
I had to stop this when I started this diet.


Two weeks ago, I was the heaviest I’ve ever been in my life: 175 lbs. After a strict Weight Watcher regimen during the work week (hampered somewhat by a holiday weekend where I ate out more than I normally would’ve), I’m down to 165. It helps being OK with eating the same thing every day (particularly since we’re having our kitchen redone, so I can’t cook anything) and biting the bullet on getting a handle on the points before I start diversifying a bit.

My wife gets back from a business trip tonight, so she asked me to prepare her entire daily meals exactly the same as I’ve been using (since she says she can already see the results…in my face, at least so far).

ArchiveGuy, a couple of words of advice, if I may: one, your wife, being a woman and all, probably should be at a lower points threshold than you (unless she weighs a lot more than you do, which she may); two, she shouldn’t expect to lose weight nearly as fast as you. It kinda sucks, but women lose a lot slower than men (I guess it doesn’t suck if you’re a man).

Yeah, she got me on WW so she knows her points threshhold. However, even if she ate my point total each day (27), that’d still be less than what’s she’s consuming now, and even if she doesn’t lose as fast as I do, at least she’d be losing (which, again, she’s not doing now).

Okay. I just wanted to make sure she was going into it with her eyes open. :slight_smile:

Thought I’d jump in here.

I started in May at 235, after a winter of Whooping Cough and little activity. Yesterday I weighed in at 219, headed towards my goal of 200. I haven’t been that light in a long time, so my goal is to maintain that once I get to my target.

I’m biking to work 3-4 times a week, I go on long hikes in the mountains and/or bike rides every weekend, so the exercise part is well covered. My main issue has been portion control, snacking, and eating out.

And away we go.

Good Morning,
I achieved another stepping stone Goal. The scale read 209.5 this morning. This makes the total weight loss 30 lbs. My Doctor appointment in August 8th. I have some hope I will be below 200 by then but I will settle for below 200 by September 12th, my 40th Birthday.
I need to increase my exercise, I was very good last week on vacation, walking all over NYC and Camden, but yesterday, I came home and Vegged out in front of the computer. I am going to try and sneak a bike ride in tonight if the storms hold off.

Good Luck everyone,

Okay, this is very typical of the post-op point I’m at, but it’s still frustrating as hell! I’m at a plateau. The scale’s been up and down the same pound for ten days now!! Now, I’m eating about 1,100-1,200 calories a day, and a lot of those calories are from protein (which I only absorb about 50% of) and fat (which I only absorb about 20% of). So, a net intake of significantly under 1,000 calories a day. Still, the scale brings no joy! However, intellectually, I know what is happening is that my body is taking some time to adjust to the shock of the surgery and that initial 40 lb. loss. I’ll hang in there, keep getting plenty of protein and water, taking my supplements, and moderate exercise. These pounds will come off!

I’ve been kind of blah for the past couple weeks and have been alternating between dieting and just not caring so, while I was (again) at my lowest weight of 188 on Friday, I ate like crazy on Saturday and Sunday and shot up to 198. As of this morning, I’m at 194.

I hope to be close to 188 again this Friday and hopefully below it next week.

Good Luck, last night I was wiped out and tired and felt like splurging but instead, my daughter and I devoured a bag of Carrot chips for a large snack. I do not think she will ever have to worry about her weight, she already eats much better than I ever did as a kid.


Aesiron, I think we all have those days/weeks/whatever. It’s good that you’re back on track, though! You’ve come much too far to let yourself slide now!

I know you’re not supposed to weigh yourself more than once or twice a week, since daily fluctuations in weight are normal, but I’m a data gatherer by nature and can’t help it. I just focus on my weekly Monday readings as my “official” ones for tracking progress.

That said, I’ve noticed something weird: while my weight loss has been fairly steady so far week over week, the weight loss seems to be coming in bursts during the week. For example, in a week when I lost (say) 2.5 lbs., instead of gradually losing it over a week, I would “suddenly” lose 1-1.5 lbs. on Tuesday, then be even through Friday, when I’d lose another pound or so.

I try to do my weigh-ins on a consistent basis in the morning, after drinking a glass of water to rehydrate and brushing my teeth/relieving myself (giving me 10 minutes or so to “digest” the water). So it’s not a morning/evening fluctuation kind of thing.

Has anybody else noticed anything like this happening with them?

The good news is that biologically, there’s practically no way you could have added 10 lbs. of fat in just two days. Hopefully most of that weight was water (i.e. if you ate a lot of very salty stuff, like fried chicken), and maybe you were also literally full of sh*t (which in this context would be a good thing :wink: ).

(I have done before-and-after weigh-ins to see the effect of… evacuation… and it definitely has had up to 3 lbs. of difference!)

I am also a little crazy on data gathering. I weigh myself every AM and most nights before going to sleep. I have noticed that between overnight dehydrating and morning waste management I typically weigh 3 lbs less than the night before. The variation is usually less than a pound. My weight loss seems to be fairly steady however and I can relate the loss to my previous days food intake and exercise.
