2009 Sucks. Bring on 2010.

For the wider world this has been a pretty bad decade, but for me personally it’s been a very good decade and a very good year.

My career continued to advance throughout the decade.

In the middle of the decade I found and married the woman I’d been looking for all my life.

Last week she gave birth to our first child.

2009 had it’s ups and downs, certainly. My brother-in-law that I don’t like stopped talking to us this year because of his giant ego, and that wouldn’t bother me at all if not for the way it’s making family things much more difficult. We moved into a nice house that we love, though, so that’s over with and we can work on getting our lives back on track again now. I wouldn’t say it was a terrible year for us, but it certainly had its fair share of stress.

Agreed, 2009 was complete shit.

I saw a lot of friends laid off (granted a few were late in 2008).

I’ve hung on, with a workload nearly doubled and pay reduced.

My dog died. My grandma died.

2010 can only be better.

My POS company laid off two more people today. Today. Less than two weeks from Christmas. One was an upper-level manager, so I don’t feel so bad. He got a solid gold parachute, no doubt. One was at my level though, in a different work function (finance vs. engineering). Still tough though. I’ll miss him. We’ve had wonderfully animated debates over the last couple of years (he’s far right, I’m far left). He’s a good guy. Plus his kids have medical issues. I think I can conclude my corporation is basically full of bastards at the top. Seriously, who does lay-offs less than two weeks from Christmas? Fuck them.

I spent the last month feeling like my world was coming apart at the seams. Now I’m angry again, in a good way. It’s time to take back life. Bring on 2010, I can’t wait. I’ll make this year count, that’s my early resolution. Lay me off, beat me down, give me more work, whatever. Fuck it. 2010 is gonna be epic.

The economy is killing me this year. Found out in January my company was closing and it’s been downhill ever since. Good riddance 2009!!!

May 2010 bring everyone good things. We’re due…

It’s been a difficult year. I’ve done lots of really amazing stuff, but it’s still just been difficult.

God willing, 2010 will bring some awesome changes. Here’s to the future!

My reaction: be careful what you wish for.

Ah, but a man’s reach should exceed his grasp, or what’s a heaven for?

Lots and lots of companies.

I concur.

Excellent. :smiley:

2009 had it’s highs and lows for me. I lost my job, but I didn’t like that job anyway, so I enjoyed the time off my severance allowed. I had some great times and some really hard times this year, but I think it’s ending on a high note, and I’ll join y’all in wishing for a better 2010 for everyone.

Yes, a lovely year. I won’t bother with the details but it was the lowest of 51 years. I feel like my ship has been tsunami-ed inland to a point above the tide line.

Many of you know what happened to me divorce wise in 2009 and that problem is going to extend to 2010 but should be finished early on. So, yes, let’s kill 2009 ASAP and go on to fields and pastures new.

An early Happy New Year and my best wishes to everyone.

It is heartening to see that this scientific poll confirms my suspicions that 2009 was deliberately set up to bring angst and distress. It certainly stank for me.

Onward, upward and outward for 2010. Let us endeavor to persevere.

2009 can bite my ass. I am desperate to buy a new car but I won’t buy a 2009 because I hate it so much.

Sing it! I told my husband months ago we should have a good riddance 2009 party this New Year’s. Uggh!

And yeah, it hasn’t been all bad, but the parts that were bad have been the worst of my adult life. Things could get worse, sure, I just hope (and pray) that they don’t do it in 2010. My family needs a pfarking break.

Nope, 2009 ain’t got nothin’ on 2004. Now that year was a big bag of suck. This year was OK - not great, not horrid.


(sorry, lissner)

2009 hasn’t been bad, but it hasn’t been good, either. Our daughter got her insulin pump, which has done wonders for her blood glucose: but on the same day my husband was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. The kids started fifth grade and I was able to send both to summer camp: the kids picked up an instrument this school year: and I have a great job where I’m needed and respected. But living with my MIL and BIL has been a source of constant stress, and it’s even worse since my idiot BIL decided to quit a perfectly good job without anything to fall back on.

2009 was the suckiest year ever. I’m ready for 2010. May it bring everyone on the Dope good things!

2009 was marginally better for me than 2008, which means it only sucked donkey balls, rather than big fat fucking hairy bastard donkey balls. In the past two years I’ve been in the same crematorium three times as my dad’s entire family died, I’ve got divorced, I have had my heart smashed into pieces in the cruellest way by my next girlfriend, broke someone else’s heart (though hopefully with honor), then finally met someone with whom I thought I could settle down, only to have her disappear on me the day before my grandmother’s funeral. My face has aged years with stress and depression, and I’ve put on 15 lbs. ETA: and took a 10% pay cut - though I still have a job, which is better than homelessness.

If this incremental improvement keeps up, 2014 might be mediocre.

2009 was pretty good for me, all things considered. 2008 sucked royally with a few shining moments to stand out from the loss of job, roommate, etc. that threw me into a tremendous amount of turmoil. 2009 has been much better. My hope is that 2010 is even better still.

Wow. With some of you, is this just a case of “Remember the good ol’ days”? Did any of you feel the same last year at this time? There’s a lot of personal shit I can list, (though not NEAR as bad as some of things I’ve read). The whole year started out crushing me on a personal level. The worst time I had this year was the inspiration I gained when in the prospect of having a really, REALLY cute, (and tenacious … Grrrr!) girl I know from work say she would go out on a date with me. Asked her out New Years Eve in fact. I wanted this to be the year I ‘turned a corner’, and it looked like it would be, because she said yes. New Years Day, it was off… presumably another guy.

The funny thing is, I had a chance to hang with her the other day, and blew her off. The other guy didn’t work out, but she seems increasingly unenthusiastic about the whole arrangement , (wants me to join a gym – like I have money for that). Now it seems she doesn’t even want me around with her that much while she does her thing. Not to mention I really don’t think we’ll work together; I’ve too many things to accomplish with my life to be a better human, and she hasn’t the patients deal with it, (not a fault of her own). It took me this whole year to figure that out. There are things I just don’t like about her. I HATE the sound of sports on the TV in the background… that white noise and loud announcer gives me a headache. If we were togetherm that’s all I would hear.

I’m starting to think that being alone isn’t always as bad as people make it seem. I really just don’t care. Some could say I’m almost at rock bottom; being broke for the first time, alone in matters of love, Turning 29 and still…eh, ‘pure’. My place is a mess, and it’s winter time so it will stay that way. My brother’s divorce from a crazy woman who cheated on him hospitalized for trying to kill herself, my cat dyeing.

There are some people with good examples for why this year sucked – for them. Which may help my being of the opinion that it’s not all that bad a year for me… That’s not to say I still don’t stand by my comment that the 00’s sucked, not for any cosmic reason though. I’m too young to know if this is just a grim time to be alive, or that the 90’s, (and 80’s) were just more exciting time to live in, or if it’s just that I’m a adult now.

It’s cliche to say 9/11 changed your life, especially for someone who didn’t know any victims, or doesn’t live in NYC. Very little of what’s going on in the world has effected me on the outside, but things don’t feel that same anymore. I guess I feel like we’re, (I know this is a US specific rant), on a losing streak that was bound to last as long as it has and will, (unforeseeable to many people before we started it), since the war. I feel guilty I have things so well, and scared (when the ball’s going to drop and my parents [probably] wont out list me). Some good things happened this year in the world, compared to past years.

It’s like; I liked Jackson’s music, but I’ve got to get used to seeing celebrities die, There were a lot of superstars I was exposed to growing up. iI this year is defined as “bad” for me, I still know their are pending heartaches for me to come in the future so why measure it that way? So, despite all the superstitious shit, (what made the start of my year so shity was hyping up the new year to mean something); let me just wish for everyone here that despite what time it is, I hope the good in your life outweighs the bad. I wish things to improve in, not just the US, but the world. Inspiration can come from happiness, (and I guess pain too). But I’m most proactive and inspired when the state of the world’s as “stable” as possible, and people around me have hope in their eyes.