2012 U.S. Election

31,000 isn’t comfortable?

possibly Ron Paul

oops, didn’t mean to be derogatory towards the great Ron Paul, disregard what I said earlier

As long as Sarah Palin can make money as a political commentator that is what she will do, while hinting about a presidential run to keep things interesting.

The United States is a great country because it allows freedom. I don’t think China would have had the press publish The Pentagon Papers, like America did in 1971.
However, the US has to stop making ignorance a virtue. Fundmentalist, jesusfreaking ding-alings, we don’t want. Palin having babies at 46 or whatever it was…absolute ignorance. I’m inclined to agree with Chaney: Obama may be a 1 term President.

This doesn’t answer the question in the thread and it’s really nothing but a partisan broadside. (So is “Repugnicans” in the OP, but that’s two and a half months old.) Please keep stuff like this in Great Debates or the BBQ Pit.

I was discussing this with a friend the other day. It’s obvious to me that along with money, Palin’s other god is Narcissus. It would be entirely appealing to her to have other, more viable candidates, fawning over her as supplicants. To that end, she could announce that she is running in order to keep her loyal fanbase salivating at the prospect of a Palin presidency. She could run a mock campaign for awhile (putting little time or effort into actual serious campaigning) and then throw her support to whomever courts her properly. The ego boost would be gratifying to her, and the money would roll in ever more quickly.

Will Obama be the 2012 Democratic nominee? Not if anti-abortion activist Randall Terry (who’s also against perennial Democratic boogey-men ‘homosexuality, infidelity, birth control, divorce and unwed mothers’) has anything to say about it.

A quote from Mr. Terry: ‘My constituency is the millions of pro-life advocates who want to make child killing illegal from conception until birth.’

No word on what he wants to do with them once they pop out.

Well, they say you need a big tent.

In terms of both budgetary and geopolitical expertise, I’d like to see Mitch Daniels as president and John Bolton as Vice President. Daniels has attracted considerable investment to Indiana while neighboring states teeter on the verge of bankruptcy. And, Bolton has the experience to navigate the many global challenges we now face. Their election would contribute significantly to business continuity, helping us out of this recession.

Indiana had a $1.8 billion budget shortfall last year.

John Bolton? Bush’s ambassador to the U.N., who said that the U.N. doesn’t exist? Wow, I hope not.

And history has been very kind to Bush’s foreign policy so far, right? :wink: I don’t think anybody is going to be calling Bolton’s number.

Hey, someone called Sarah Palin’s number. But no, I don’t think that John Bolton’s record merits any further service. His Wikipedia page suggests that he’s considering a run, though I’d be surprised if he was still in the race by the time Iowa rolls around.

As an outsider, I really don’t understand why any serious candidate would want to go up against Obama. The economy is gradually turning around and will be seen to be doing so next year, so absent a major incident, Obama’s pretty much a lock.

So are these people just making noises in preparation for 2016? Or are they gambling on such an incident, realising that this is their one and only chance?

The thought of John Bolton in office makes me break out in a cold sweat. If you thought Bush irritated the rest of the world, wait until John “we’re America so fuck you” Bolton gets elected.

I expect Palin to do the Mario Cuomo dance and play the will-she-won’t-she game long enough to raise some cash and stay in the spotlight for as long as possible but ultimately not run due to family reasons or some such nonsense. She’ll then play kingmaker and commentator for the rest of the campaign season, for even more cash and exposure. And then she “write” a book or two about it. A win all around for her.

(On a tangent: did she ever do anything with those clothes?)

Of course. She wore them.

I thought she stuffed them in garbage bags and dropped them off at the RNC.

I think it will be Romney. I think Mitch Daniels and Jeb Bush will be dark horses.

Jeb won’t run. No way, no how.