He has all the qualification - which, we now understand, are none.
In fact, as a successful comedian with a prior tv show it might be argued he is over-qualified.
Anyway, this looks very much like a middle ground, everyman pitch:
He has all the qualification - which, we now understand, are none.
In fact, as a successful comedian with a prior tv show it might be argued he is over-qualified.
Anyway, this looks very much like a middle ground, everyman pitch:
As someone said, “The Presidency of the United State is not an entry-level position.” I seriously doubt Stewart would be interested, but if he is, I would hope he does it old-school, by first running for few state- or lower federal offices.
He’ll never beat Kanye.
Kanye likes Trump and so probably won’t run against him.
But, yeah, honestly. If we’re still on that “outsider” idea 2020, then Stewart would be a good pick. I trust him much more than Trump to delegate to good, smart people.
The Democrats need to run each type of candidate, and see which one people want. Not make the choice socialist who can’t win vs. woman with little charisma (even if I did grow to like her, I have to admit that.)
They could give Bernie Sanders a real shot. Or not.
Got to love Bernie but even in a short timeframe … never mind a walking frame, he might need cryogenic support.
Stewart seems to fill an awful lot of boxes and he hasn’t adopted this serious-man-of-the-people persona for shit and giggles.
I think Jon Stewart would make a great president. But like Hillary Clinton, he’d lose the election because no one outside the big cities would vote for him.
There is a drawback in his fandom being somewhat one sided, but you overstated your case. He doesn’t have Clinton’s baggage. He’s personable and compassionate. He’s actually a good public speaker. He’s humorous, and that can help a lot. He’s got a better track record of knowing when to attack.
I mean, if we could find a celebrity who is seen as straddling both sides a bit more, it would be great. But I don’t know if we can. And, yes, I think being a celebrity (and the political kind) was a huge part of Trump’s success.
I’m still not sure that we haven’t moved the President to a celebrity–assuming that Trump doesn’t ruin the “outsider” status by what he does as president. (I mean, I know I won’t like what he does, but his followers might, or might fall for his con artist tricks again.)
That’s “Future secretary of State” West, then.
That’s what WE ALL thought until 3 weeks ago. :smack:
Although Stewart doesn’t have any political baggage hes got 10+ years of being that smug liberal comedy guy to a lot of people. I love that clip though, I was glad he didn’t jump on the blame train like a lot of other prominent hosts
Since the presidency has now been rendered a complete joke, go ahead and run your Kardashians, your Afflecks and your Carrot Tops. Why not?
As for John Stewart, have you seen how happy he is running his animal rescue sanctuary? No way he gives up the good life for the shitstorm of politics.
If we want a comedian with political experience, I vote Al Franken!
Donald Trump is obviously Andy Kaufman.
IMO, Jon Stewart could be great. But I would want to see him spend some time in Congress or a governorship first. I really, really hope we aren’t seeing the bar being set forever lower.
He got at least one write-in vote in California…
A public figure has an opinion about the direction the country should take, and you think that means he wants to run for office? There is nothing in this interview that indicates he’s thinking about entering government.
Also, as much as I love him, he would make a terrible politician. You know who’d agree with me about that? Jon Stewart.