2020 Prez hopefuls... your take or your candidates

And maybe the fact that it’s partisan is enough for you to dismiss the allegations. If so, more power to you.

Your problems with Booker are the same as my problems with Booker. I’ll certainly take him over any Republican, but the charter school/voucher stuff bothers me a lot.

Jay Inslee would be a great pick. So would either of my very active Oregon Senators, Wyden and Merkley. Unfortunately, they lack name recognition and they’re West Coasters. Same problem Inslee has, unfortunately.

Since when is walking around one’s residence at night naked “Weinstein level stuff?”

ETA: And I could be wrong, but I suspect if a Secret Service agent shoved the Vice President, the punishment would exceed a week’s suspension.

A scandal sheet got something right once, therefore we should believe everything we read on partisan, scandal-drive web sites. Uhm, no.

You’re funny.

That wasn’t at all what I said. I recognize that scandal sheets are usually wrong, as is, I suspect, the Gateway Pundit. They are not always wrong though, and that ought to figure into your calculations somewhere.

I suspect it has something to do with the female SS agents being present:

If they’re right, the main stream press will pick up the story. We can revisit it when that happens.

Either method can work. Base turnout worked for Obama, and appealing to swing voters worked for Bill Clinton. But here’s the thing: base turnout isn’t a strategy. Democrats have tried to make it a strategy but nothing they can do motivates base turnout. Democrats are either motivated or they aren’t. Obama motivated them. Trump motivated them in 2019. He may or may not motivate them in 2020.

Since you can’t make base turnout happen, then you might as well appeal to swing voters, since you can control that. Obama concentrated on swing voters, while knowing that base turnout was going to benefit him. Clinton ignored swing voters and also counted on base turnout. She even tried to stoke it. Fail.

Actually, the fact that the “allegations” are being made by one anonymous source would be enough for me to…well, ignore them. I can’t “dismiss” them because I’m not a judge, and it’s certainly possible that more evidence may emerge. But I don’t see any reason to take them at all seriously at this point.

I think the jury is WAY out on Harris and she has vulnerabilities in her record that can be attacked already from her time as AG. I’m very skeptical she’ll ever be a national candidate.

Benjamin Sasse.

Evan McMullin.

Ben Sasse! Yes! My new hero. McMulliin is a decent guy and he proved he can compete with little support, but I really think he should set his sights on lower elected office first.

On the GOP side I still like Rubio, although he’s still not ready, and also Nikki Haley, who is, as well as Kasich. I’ve always been a Huntsman fan but I guess he’s decided to just settle in to being a non-partisan diplomat. Very likely to be SecState some day. I’ve always loved Jeff FLake and Bob Corker too, should they decide to oppose Trump.

It’s literally a fake news site. Half of their “headlines” are just links to other people’s YouTube videos. Which is not to say I don’t think Biden hasn’t been creepy at times.

I’m vaguely hoping for a Democrat to win the presidency who then appoints Hillary Clinton as Attorney General, and she spends four years investigating, prosecuting and convicting every Trump associate and cabinet member.

A democrat who ran with a credible promise that they would investigate the hell out of every Clinton and crony scandal,and basically excommunicate them, would get 400+ electoral votes in 2020.

The Primary season would be a lot iffier. :wink: but not impossible.

After reading (listening to audio book) Franken’s latest book, I actually like the guy. He seems very thoughtful and willing to do the work. I disagree with his politics quite a bit I think, but he’s more than just a comedian by a long shot. And have you seen him draw the 50 states by hand? That is pretty impressive :slight_smile:

While I’m firmly in the “it’s time for Hillary and her friends to shut the hell up and go away” camp, she’s been rigorously investigated for the past 25 years by people determined to bring her down and they’ve found no more than a few crumbs (and certainly nothing criminal). I’d druther government resources be put to better use elsewhere.

It’s sad how many Democrats still haven’t come to accept what all that lack of evidence actually means, and insist that all those Republican allegations mean she must be guilty of at least some of them, or of something else, anyway she’s just dirty and it’s time to move on. Starting with the *facts *gets you to about the opposite conclusion instead.

The Big Lie works, and that makes it useful against your political opponents. But shame on those who buy into it.

No more mention of this guy?

(I’ve reddened a sentence or two.)