2023 Wildfire Thread

Looks like Canada got the jump on the US as far as launching fire season :frowning: .

That smoke hit my area yesterday. Nothing like getting over 100 AQI in May. We got a reprieve last year, and I thought with the snow load we would get another this year, but it’s not looking that way.

How far did the smoke spread? I was communication with someone in Northwest Iowa yesterday who was complaining about it–and it quite surprised me that it would spread that far.

Sadly, long ways. Here is a good forecast map…it’s still raging and smoke will continue to spread.


I’m in coastal Massachusetts and we’ve been getting a pale overcast day after day from the smoke.

I woke up around 3 am Wednesday by the smell of the smoke. By morning, our local alert system was warning on our phones that it was dangerous to be outside, or work outside, withouT taking precautions like wearing a mask and regular hydration.

Posting from Regina, which is quite a ways from the fires.

It has been quite smoky in the Edmonton area. Much, much worse north, west and northwest of us.

And it’s forecasted to get worse in the coming weeks.

Far higher fire numbers than usual, near communities, and the majority caused by human action.

Wishing the best for all the evacuees affected.

The air quality in NW Minnesota was pretty bad from it. We had the smoke down in the Twin Cities on Wednesday and Thursday. Rain on Thursday washed the particles away and we’ve been clear since. But I think it will come back. It often does, just due to prevailing wind direction. However, we didn’t smell it this far south.

And California seems to be getting fire season underway. Small one according to a different link, but that may be a bit obsolete. I doubt evacuations happen for only 2 or 3 acres.

This is Cal Fire’s page on the Sicard fire. Right now it’s still only 13 acres and is 80% contained. I guess the evacuation order was because it started close to dwellings.

Wildfire smoke has been making Manhattan look more like Los Angeles.

Down here in Northern Virginia, my eyes started burning after I opened the balcony door this morning so I closed everything and turned the A/C back on.

Smoke all over New England from the Nova Scotia fires. 911 lines here in Connecticut were getting overwhelmed. Fire marshals are telling people not to call 911 if they smell smoke – they should only call if they actually see flames.

Wow. A lot of years we now have “smoke season”. Guess it must be rare in CT.

Lots of smoke here in upstate NY. By the weather app, it should be a bright sunny day. It’s just not. Looks like a foggy day by the seaside.

I’m in Northern Virginia, too, and just noticed it this morning: it’s hazy, but mostly I can smell it in the air. Bleh. Happily, I have functioning a/c, nowhere to go, and no plans to be outside other than short trips to the back yard with the dog.

My dad lives in Baltimore, ~50 miles north of me, and reported a lot of haze/smoke in his area yesterday afternoon.

I’m in southeastern Connecticut.Today and tonight’s weather forecast, per the NWS: “Widespread haze. Areas of smoke.”

I’ll copy this US EPA cite from a recent post in another smoke thread: Fire and Smoke Map (airnow.gov)

You can get more detailed local air quality info from their home page. As usual, click the logo at upper left to get there.

In British Columbia more forest has burned this year already than burned in all 2022…and it is only June 7!