Boy, give your email out to ONE wrong person and thats what happens. I went from no spam one day to about 10 the next. Dont even wanna check my damn email anymore cuz it takes long to block all the senders one at a time. If I ctrl highlight a bunch of them the block sender option is greyed out. Anyone know how to go about doing this? Thanks ahead of time.
because I have that problem too. I have to add them to the “junk” list one at a time, which takes forever each day. I’ve not been able to select or mark them all at once and then “junk” them.
I think that’s a waste of time as I hardly get spam from the same sender twice. You might end up with a blocked list with thousands of names and still get tons of spam. Better improve your filters.
Actually sailor it depends. Before this latest onslaught I had an amazing amount of emails that went right into trash just with the block sender option. Some companies send you the same email every day or so. Now your right, whoever got a hold of my name this time has a wider dissemination scheme.
Ack I forgot to ask. How do you set up filters to recognize spam? Im not sure how the default settings work. Do people actually make filters based on the words “HOT!”, “FREE”, “TITS!” , “CELL PHONE!”