Another season of 24 has begun, and while I see it is no longer my job to start the 24 spoiler threads (thanks, Monstre!), I see no reason not to share with the world the madness that is the 24 Club once again.
For those who may not know, some crazy son-of-a-bitch decided back in fall of 2001 not to watch 24 every week but to record it and watch it all in real real time at the end of the season. That crazy son-of-a-bitch was yours truly. And I have kept it up every season since, excepting only Redemption.
In early years, there were a few hardy folks who joined my little mission and we called ourselves the 24 Club. Then I was gone from the SDMB for a little while, and then 24 was gone for a while, but now all the pieces are here again.
So, hear ye, hear ye: your invitation for 24 Club membership is herewith extended. If you have not yet partaken of 24 Day 7 and would like to test your mettle by holding out until May or so, consider this your opportunity to not feel alone in your struggle. Or to derive some false sense of moral superiority, whatever.
Ryan Chappelle’s stunt double since halfway through Season 3