24 - Season 3, Episode 2, 2:00PM - 3:00PM (SPOILERS)

I asked this question in another 24 thread, but got no answers. Is special agent Tom Black (korean guy played by Daniel Dae Kim) in any of these episodes?

Not to my knowledge, nope.

She was involved with Salazar!


She’s a MAN, man!

What’s the secret about the Doctor Girfriend? I don’t have a good idea of the specifics, but I’ll guess that it’s something that Palmer doesn’t care about, personally, but that will be very damaging to him politically-- maybe even end his political career. So, does he choose what he believes in, or what is politically expedient?

Another predicition about Jack and the precious: When he gets captured (and we all know this will happen eventually), the baddy drug guys will either shoot him up or somehow use his addiction as part of his roughing up treatment. I think this is a great plot device, and should make for some interesting situations.

There’s a hole in Jacky’s arm,
Where all the money goes.

You know–and I admit this is sad, right up front–I was actually thinking about this while I was trying to go to sleep. So, hear me out:

The President’s got a girlfriend. There’s something mysterious about her that no one knows. And we know that he “needs to see it.” See it? What could he need to see? Pictures, maybe? And what kind of pictures would get him in all KINDS of trouble? Nudie pictures! I theorize that she posed naked for somebody (or worked as a stripper, as an alternate theory) when she was in college/medical school and “needed the money” and hasn’t told anybody since. Maybe she’s even forgotten. The opponent’s guys have dug these pictures up and are planning to show them on national TV.

It’s embarassing and politically damaging without being too over the top.


Palmer’s Sleazy Brother: “David… I’m sorry… She’s a Republican…”

Actually, I think that’s a great call, GMRyujin. Most likely theory yet.

Or maybe she… ahem… “didn’t inhale”.

Nah… probably the nudie pics. But if not, perhaps experimenting with drugs in college.

I liked the first two episodes, with the obvious exception of Kim.

Does anyone else think that there is something else Jack had to do to get Salazar? When Salazar was talking about how they would never be the same, it didn’t seem like he was just talking about drugs. Also, Jack seems like he is hiding something, even from his partner. I wonder what else he did?

As for Palmer’s girlfriend, the pictures angle doesn’t seem plausible, because why would that be part of the debate strategy? Maybe she has ties to a terrorist group.

Jack’s partner put him in a very difficult position. Jack can take any kind of torture if they are captured, but now that he has to protect Kim’s boyfriend that makes the partner a liability. I think this will happen at some point - perhaps resulting in Jack sacrificing himself for his partner. I hope that doesn’t happen though.

I don’t think it’s anything as sensational as that. If she had ties to the baddies, it wouldn’t come out so soon.

I say she was an abortion provider or maybe involved in euthanasia ala Dr. Kevorkian. Something involving the medical profession.

Or did something “unsavory” to get to where she is. Sleep with professors, cheat on a medical exam, that sort of thing. That’s my guess.

I’m thinkin’ she tore a bunch of those tags off of her mattress and pillows!

Prez’s new girlfriend?
Maybe she was Sherry’s college roommate at a time when they were both still experimenting sexually.

I hate to say it, but maybe a secret addiction in her past? Seems like the various plot threads are already saturated with drug themes, so it would be a bit over-the-top, but… medical professionals, (like long-haul truckers, heh) are a “high risk” group when it comes to addiction.

President Palmer seemed a bit anxious to justify the good doctor’s presence as a special advisor – “Say, you’re a GP-- I want you to talk to this specialist in virology and epidemiology at the CDC and keep me informed.” Uh, okay. Having an intelligent and articulate ex-junky around might come in handy-like when Jack goes off the deep-end later in the day. :wink: