24: Season 4: Episode 18 (12:00am - 1:00am)

If it helps, he was also on a terrible Seinfeld ripoff called “It’s like, you know…” which was set in Hollywood.

Maybe that’s how Marwan managed it? He didn’t call Amnesty International (oh, sorry, Amnesty Global), instead he called an out of work actor and had him show up with a forged court order.

It’s more believable…


It’s too bad that what’shername who worked at CTU and was wrongfully tortured didn’t manage to get a call out to the teleporting Amnesty Global Teleporting Lawyer beforehand.

I have a feeling Edgar’s going to have a ‘meltdown’ of his own. I thought it was coming this episode and would fuck up Jack’s ‘interrogation’ plans, but it didn’t happen. Then again, they’ve dropped/left hanging so many angles this season that it’s probably in the wind by now.

I get the gnawing feeling that Palmer will be the focus of the remaining episodes and none of these loose ends will ever be tied up. Hopefully not, but if so, definitely shabby writing.

I agree – that’s why I said it was done better in Season 2. When it was actually a tough call to make, and the moral dilemma was clearly portrayed. Now in this season, the only moral dilemma seems to be how to keep the lawyers out of the building while we torture everybody in arms reach.

They didn’t have their cell-phone monitors looking for the name Marwan? :eek:

I actually thought the lawyer wasn’t presented too badly. I mean, we obviousyl weren’t really supposed to agree with him, but he wasn’t swishy or stupid or hypocritical or any of a number of things he could have been. His line about the constitution being created in extraordinary times was fine. And I think this would be a tough call… if there was ever an emergency in which civil liberties could be legitimately suspended, a stolen nuclear weapon is it.
That said, I agree with the general poorness of the episode, and of the current storyline, although Jack quitting just so he could torture the guy was classic Bauer.

Do you guys think maybe in order to keep the show moving along, they need to fudge things a little, like maybe move Jack from here to there a bit quicker than reality would allow, or use a Stealth 117b instead of a Stealth 116a which anyone with half a brain knows is not kept at Norton air base but rather 56 miles away at Edwards ?

I mean, if you want reality, do you want to sit and watch people stand around changing the printer cartridges at CTU (which is not a real place, I suspect) for 20 minutes until Jack arrives ?

Someone mentioned “suspension of disbeleif”, but I don’t think many of you are willing to do that here. It’s like you guys wandered over from the Enterprise threads, after killing that show becuase everyone knows you cant use a phase transducer to reconfigure the deflectors on a Galaxy class starship, so the show sucks, I’m not watching it anymore.

Jeeze, people. Can’t I just watch Jack Bauer kick some ass, or Orion Slave girls shakin’ it on Enterprise, without a mass revolt by the nitpickers ?

You people eat your young.

I remember waaaay back when the first season of 24 was about to start, Kiefer Sutherland was going around to the different talk shows promoting it. Keep in mind, this was the first time anything like this had really been tried (correct me if I’m wrong). Sutherland kept going on and on about the challenges of making this “real time.” That if someone had to drive 20min, the show needed a second storyline to fill that 20min.

I think the problem everyond is having with this season is that the writers completely abandoned that aspect of the show. It shouldn’t take Jack 5min to get in a helicopter and fly to the desert, so while he was flying they’d have something else doing on that would conveniently take 20min to finish.

Like someone else said earlier, the real problem with this season is that all the situations should have panned out over a longer time and effectly been a simultaneous attack. I don’t know, I think I’ve about given up.

Since someone mentioned 9/11, I wanted to point out something that occurred to me as these guys so easily stole that warhead:

In a very short time after the second plane went into Tower 2, the country was from what I could tell, looked down. Obviously all aircraft was grounded, but a lot of other things shut down as well. So that was 9/11 and those were actions within the US.

I was in Canada at the time, and WE had things shut down. I know from experience that our military bases locked up and made entry tighter–for days following.

My points is that things happened in Canada during 9/11 that HAVEN’T happened during what seems like faaaaar worse!

A train was destroyed, the Sec. of Defence was kidnapped, all of the nuclear plants were set to “meltdown mode” with a least one going critical, a huge chunk of LA was blacked out causing riots, AND NOTHING HAS BEEN DONE. Even AFTER the POTUS was shot down they still had the VP wondering around in I guess the Whitehouse, and he was completely out of the loop!

People are still out buying gas, and hanging around marinas. That stupid defence contract company had business as usual!

And at some point during this “day,” some genius general decided that nuclear warheads should be sent out into the mountains for “routine” rotations. I keep waiting to hear, “hold on, I need to get my tires rotated, I’m at 500km.” Nothing routine is done while the country is being attacked repeatedly once every hour!

This whole stupid season could have been prevented if at some point they realized all of the terrorists sued cell phones as their ONLY means of communication and shut down the cell phone system!

At this point, its gone from stupid, to comic, and now I watch it as a parody of itself.

CTU is not a real place? The next thing you know you’ll be saying that Jack Bauer isn’t a real federal agent and is played by some actor. Sheeesh!

Even in the first season you had to suspend disbelief a lot of times, but this season is the first time it’s been so obvious. I liked the first three seasons, and the first half of this season was ok too. It’s just this last half that has been so much worse. A lot less realistic and a lot more boring.

Since Jack has left CTU he can’t go off and rob a convenience store and get away with it anymore?

Sure he can. He’ll convince <insert high ranking official here> that it’s necessary for the safety of the country. We all know Jack is all about the safety of the country.

Oh crap. Let me guess. Jack is going to go rogue again, and have to talk to Chloe and Tony covertyly, while the rest CTU is trying to hunt him down.

Jack: Tony, I need you to <insert jail worthy action>
Tony: Jack, last time I did something like this I ended up in Federal Prison
Jack: Dont worry. I do this sort of stuff all the time, you don’t see me going to prison, do you?

I watch 24 because it’s entertaining, but on the other hand I have to agree with everyone here that it gets so rediculous, that its also entertaining to nit-pick. Plus it makes for amusing stuff to read in here :slight_smile:

I suppose everyone has a point where a show being rediculous isn’t worth watching. Mine just happens to be that as long as I’m entertained, I can keep watching it. So in that sense, I agree with you.

Its just that there was so much more effort put in by the writers in the first couple seasons (my personal fav was season two - Jack was a total bad ass and didn’t take any crap from anyone) as far as keeping things consistent. But of course, every seasons stakes has to be higher and higher, so at some point (started with season 3, but definately snowballed into season 4) it just gets so far from even suspended disbelief reality that you can find holes in the story during an episode.

I remember the first season, and everything tied together nicely and it was a very solid plot. But then you get to things like (paraphrasing here):

(between 11pm and 12am)
Presidential advisor: With the events that happened today, most of the country is still awake

(between 12am and 1am)
Presidential advisor: Fortunately this is happening in the middle of the night, so most of the country is still asleep

So most of the country was wide awake before midnight, but once 12am came around, everyone just fell asleep… ?

I had read an interview with the writers before season 4 started, and they said that they were pretty much making things up as they went along - thinking maybe 2-3 episodes ahead. As a point of contrast, during the first season, they were thinking much farther ahead - something more like 9-10 episodes (maybe even more).

Maybe if we weren’t all spoiled by the solidness of the first couple seasons, we would have a different opinion about season 4.

FWIW - I know a couple people who just started watching 24 during this season, and they think its suspenseful - so maybe its a ‘first time seen’ thing. Cant wait to see their response when they see the other seasons :slight_smile: