24: Season 4: Episode 19 (1:00am - 2:00am)

Cue the mountain lion…

That’s more or less what I meant. The way they portray it, Chloe is pretty much the only one they trust to do any kind of major computer thing. Even when Edgar pulled off the hack-of-all-hacks, they still second-chaired him to Chloe when she got back.

The only staff they seem to have a never ending supply of is CTU redshirts.


I completely thought Chloe was going to get it in the field, just at this point where I kinda like her snarkiness. Phew!

What the heck is it with CTU sending folks out with only 1-2 back-up redshirts? I mean, when someone is your only lead, wouldn’t you be dialing up LAPD and posting them at her door even before you got there?

Also, as an ex-pres, what sort of security updates does Palmer get?

Damn. Chloe is actually kinda hot with an automatic rifle. I totally got a halfie.

I found that rather odd, too. There’s no reason an ex-president would be getting any kind of security or intelligence briefings.

Damn good thing that Sabir’s girlfriend lived like two blocks away from CTU. Chloe got there during the fucking commercial.
Still, it was cool seeing her stand there all steady like with that M4 and blow the guy away through the windshield… :smiley:

Might have just been plot driven. Can’t have Pres. Palmer shlepped off to the White House without knowing what’s going on, right?
Chloe, Chloe. . . The Gal With the Gun! She rocks!

Actually ex-presidents are entiltled to CIA briefings. Most don’t bother to exercise this, but Bush 41 & Clinton have.

IIRC, ex-Presidents get Secret Service protection for the rest of their lives.

Wow, that last scene had me laughing for five solid minutes and I missed the next ep teaser because I was literally crying. Putting up with all the crap this season has been worth it for this one scene.

Also, I was under the impression that former presidents are assigned a Secret Security detail for the rest of their life. So, it is reasonable that he would have both the security and the briefings (if he so chose).

Yeah, although that legislation was changed recently. Starting with GWB, ex-presidents will get protection for only ten years after they leave office. But that has nothing to do with intelligence briefings.

I find that dubious. Cite?

Yes but, again, the Secret Service doesn’t have anything to do with intelligence briefings. Those are provided by the CIA. (That’s what the “I” is for. :slight_smile: )

Haven’t read the thread, but I beleive a classic 24 quote is appropriate for the end of this episode…

“Shoot him again!”

God, that was the best 24 quote of all times. Nothing like good fatherly advice!

I couldn’t help but notice how much Logan looks like Nixon. It’s uncanny. The nose and hairline are unmistakenly Nixonian.

Pretty good epsiode for this season. I suppose it’ll turn out that Palmer is at the WH in the first few minutes of next week’s episode, which means he just happened to be hanging out in DC.

Darn right. Chloe is SO hot when she’s packin’ heat.

Oh my fricking lord. How the hell did commissioned hitman open the laundry room door when Chloe moved the fricking washing machine in front of it? Didn’t he have to shove it just a little bit? C’mon…

I wanna know how much time Chloe has spent at the gun club since she aced those head shots. I’d expect just a bit more recoil. Just a bit, mind you.

Yeesh. With the lawyer crap last week, and Jack’s arrest this week, my willing suspension of disbelief is becoming very forced.

Today it was Agent Pushingup and Agent Thedaisies.

Probably status reports on the security of his Presidential Memoirs, especially if being transported anywhere. Also updates on nearby Hottie Alert Levels. Wait… that’s just Clinton…

Logan: I am not a schnook! … oh wait. Yes I am…

Chloe. What can I say.

Bitch-slap Edgar a couple of times.

Go out as a field agent.

Spray the terrorist with a M-16.

I want you.
I want you to bear my children.

Chloe: I know.