25+ injured in Chelsea, NYC explosion

The FBI said this morning at the press conference that they had seen the van at the scene of the suspect’s home.

Or he planned Suicide by Cop so it wouldn’t matter.

Assuming the best about the rest of his family (and I am aware of no reason not to do so), this jackass has likely doomed his family’s business with his actions.

[Yelpers Are Trashing the Restaurant Owned by the NYC Bombing Suspect’s Family

](Yelpers Are Trashing the Restaurant Owned by the NYC Bombing Suspect’s Family)

Some bleeding heart will start a fund me campaign and they’ll get a million dollars.

Reading the news stories this morning, there were accounts of how the restaurant wasn’t particularly popular with nearby residents. It was open 24 hours and drew a rowdy clientele, had been in a battle with the city over it, and the dad said the complaints were because of his ethnicity. The Street View taken August 2016 shows a Century 21 sign in the window, but it’s not currently listed with Century 21 that I could find.

ETA: The accounts said the food was good, but the after hours crowd was the problem.

Well, that was fast police work (And surely soon there will be reported all sorts of “missed clues” as if LEAs could be omnipresent and prescient).

And I suppose it IS plausible that he expected once he acted it was just a matter of time before going down in a SBC blaze. Good to know that officer’s gear protected him.

Not if he was involved in a two block running battle.

You don’t think he wanted to take out as many police officers as he could before being mowed down?

Probably not terribly intelligent and frustrated. “Hell, I’ll kill some infidels. Nothin’ else going on.”

The chicken place is 3 blocks east of Warinanco Park… and it looks like EPD capped his skanky ass by Euroworx Auto Body on Elizabeth Ave, about 15 blocks south of the chicken place.

Forgot to add: Bar? What bar? There’s no bar around there…

My wife was fingerprinted by the US government just for her student and tourist visas, not to mention her Immigrant Visa. Every foreigner who ever enters the US has fingerprints in the database.

As I mentioned in the Trump-campaign thread, Trump was just shown on CNN addressing a rally where he complained bitterly that Rahami was going to be given medical care.

He was in Linden. It is a bar called Merdies Tavern.

Rahami could have killed a lot of people using a slow poison in the restaurant’s fried chicken batter.

Thankful that he didn’t go that route. His bombs weren’t very good. The Chelsea bomb was the only one that hurt anybody.

Very glad he’s locked up and can’t hurt anyone else.

As opposed to chaining him somewhere near the site of the World Trade Center and watching him die of gangrene?

I dont think that that method is as easy as you think.

Agatha Christie could suggest something that would work. She researched poisons for her books.

I guess the terrorists find it easier getting instructions for bombs from the web.

The New Jersey roadrace bomb might have harmed somebody, but they postponed the beginning of the race.

Beginning to look like the guy was turning full on jihadi, had a little notebook with his ramblings in it. And was known to the FBI.

Is the Chelsea neighborhood still predominantly gay? That may explain why this guy placed his bombs there. Numerous stories have brought up his prejudice towards the gay community. Targeting them would be a hate crime.

Not sure how up to date this article is. It mentions a large LGBTQ population in Chelsea.

The NJ race was probably targeted because of the connection to the Marines.