25 Skills Every Man Should Know

From those lists msn loves to publish, here:

  1. Patch a Radiator Hose
  2. Protect Your Computer
  3. Rescue a Boater Who Has Capsized
  4. Frame a Wall
  5. Retouch Digital Photos
  6. Back Up a Trailer
  7. Build a Campfire
  8. Fix a Dead Outlet
  9. Navigate with a Map and Compass
  10. Use a Torque Wrench
  11. Sharpen a Knife
  12. Perform CPR
  13. Fillet a Fish
  14. Maneuver a Car out of a Skid
  15. Get a Car Unstuck
  16. Back Up Data
  17. Paint a Room
  18. Mix Concrete
  19. Clean a Bolt-Action Rifle
  20. Change Oil and Filter
  21. Hook Up an HDTV
  22. Bleed Brakes
  23. Paddle a Canoe
  24. Fix a Bike Flat
  25. Extend Your Wireless Network

Well, fellas? And chicks? Let me know your gender and which you have mastered.

Chick here. I’ll say I can:

  1. Frame a Wall
  2. Retouch Digital Photos
  3. Paint a Room

I’m good for:

  1. Protect Your Computer
  2. Retouch Digital Photos
  3. Build a Campfire
  4. Navigate with a Map and Compass
  5. Sharpen a Knife
  6. Perform CPR
  7. Maneuver a Car out of a Skid
  8. Get a Car Unstuck
  9. Back Up Data
  10. Paint a Room
  11. Change Oil and Filter
  12. Paddle a Canoe
  13. Fix a Bike Flat
  14. Extend Your Wireless Network

Girl here! I can:

  1. Patch a Radiator Hose
  2. Protect Your Computer
  3. Rescue a Boater Who Has Capsized
  4. Retouch Digital Photos
  5. Back Up a Trailer
  6. Build a Campfire
  7. Fix a Dead Outlet
  8. Navigate with a Map and Compass
  9. Sharpen a Knife
  10. Perform CPR
  11. Fillet a Fish
  12. Maneuver a Car out of a Skid
  13. Get a Car Unstuck
  14. Back Up Data
  15. Paint a Room
  16. Mix Concrete
  17. Hook Up an HDTV
  18. Paddle a Canoe
  19. Fix a Bike Flat
  20. Extend Your Wireless Network
    But then again, I was daddy’s girl, and he’s mr. fix-it. I also grew up in a snowy area where, if you can’t maneuver your car out of a skid or get it out of a muddy patch, you’re guaranteed to have no car very soon.

Identically-titled thread from September: 25 Skills Every Man Should Know - In My Humble Opinion - Straight Dope Message Board

And i’ll say now what I said then; it must have been some pretty colossal nerd who made up a list of 25 basic life skills for a man that includes four different computer skills ("Extend your wireless network - why would I even need to do that?) but doesn’t include anything to do with women.

  1. Patch a Radiator Hose - yep
  2. Protect Your Computer - step away from the computer, or I’ll be forced to fire up this chain saw!
  3. Rescue a Boater Who Has Capsized - does it count if we righted our own boat and pulled ourselves out of the water?
  4. Frame a Wall - yep
  5. Retouch Digital Photos - yep
  6. Back Up a Trailer - yep
  7. Build a Campfire - even did the flint and steel stuff in the scouts!
  8. Fix a Dead Outlet - wired my previous house myself
  9. Navigate with a Map and Compass - yep
  10. Use a Torque Wrench - I used to get to install the heads on my buddy’s big-block Chevy because I had the coolest torque wrench of the whole lot of us
  11. Sharpen a Knife - I LOVE to sharpen knives
  12. Perform CPR - yep
  13. Fillet a Fish - yep
  14. Maneuver a Car out of a Skid - yep
  15. Get a Car Unstuck - yep
  16. Back Up Data - yep
  17. Paint a Room - yep
  18. Mix Concrete - never done this, except for small batches of patching concrete
  19. Clean a Bolt-Action Rifle - I’ve never even HELD a rifle
  20. Change Oil and Filter - yep
  21. Hook Up an HDTV - never seen one
  22. Bleed Brakes - yep
  23. Paddle a Canoe - I can do mild rapids, but nothing insane
  24. Fix a Bike Flat - yep
  25. Extend Your Wireless Network - I guess not; I don’t even have a wireless network
    I’m a guy.

Since I’m a doofus and didn’t check first, perhaps making up alternate lists is the way to go. :slight_smile:

The nerds must have invited Hemingway to the committee, though. Clean a bolt-action rifle? Why is that an essential man skill? I’m pretty sure I’ll be able to make it through the next 40 or 50 years without needing to clean a gun of any kind.

  1. Patch a Radiator Hose

  2. Protect Your Computer

  3. Rescue a Boater Who Has Capsized

  4. Retouch Digital Photos

  5. Back Up a Trailer

  6. Build a Campfire

  7. Fix a Dead Outlet

  8. Navigate with a Map and Compass

  9. Use a Torque Wrench

  10. Sharpen a Knife

  11. Perform CPR

  12. Maneuver a Car out of a Skid

  13. Get a Car Unstuck

  14. Back Up Data

  15. Paint a Room

  16. Mix Concrete

  17. Change Oil and Filter

  18. Hook Up an HDTV

  19. Bleed Brakes

  20. Paddle a Canoe

  21. Fix a Bike Flat
    I’ve done those (or something close enough). I’m willing to take a swing at the others. (I probably could fillet a fish without undue damage to me. Or frame a wall. Never had to clean a gun.)

Male, 32

  1. Patch a Radiator Hose - yes
  2. Protect Your Computer - yes
  3. Rescue a Boater Who Has Capsized - maybe
  4. Frame a Wall - no
  5. Retouch Digital Photos - never tried
  6. Back Up a Trailer - yes
  7. Build a Campfire - yes
  8. Fix a Dead Outlet - no
  9. Navigate with a Map and Compass - maybe
  10. Use a Torque Wrench - maybe
  11. Sharpen a Knife - maybe
  12. Perform CPR - no (I really need to learn this one)
  13. Fillet a Fish - A fresh one? than probably no
  14. Maneuver a Car out of a Skid - yes
  15. Get a Car Unstuck - yes
  16. Back Up Data - yes
  17. Paint a Room - yes
  18. Mix Concrete - never needed to
  19. Clean a Bolt-Action Rifle - no, there is no need for guns of any kind in my life
  20. Change Oil and Filter - yes
  21. Hook Up an HDTV - haven’t needed to yet
  22. Bleed Brakes - maybe, it’s been years
  23. Paddle a Canoe - yes
  24. Fix a Bike Flat - maybe, it’s been years
  25. Extend Your Wireless Network - yes

I can do almost all of these.

I’ve only helped people with brake jobs - never done it myself. And repairs around my house tend to be small ones. I haven’t had to frame a wall.

Other than that, check. Mrs. Moto loves having me around.

I can do, like, three of those things.

I’m not even sure what some of them mean.

  1. Protect Your Computer
  2. Rescue a Boater Who Has Capsized
  3. Retouch Digital Photos
  4. Fix a Dead Outlet (depends on the problem – if the wiring is still good, yes)
  5. Navigate with a Map and Compass
  6. Sharpen a Knife
  7. Maneuver a Car out of a Skid
  8. Get a Car Unstuck
  9. Back Up Data
  10. Paint a Room
  11. Paddle a Canoe
  12. Fix a Bike Flat
  13. Extend Your Wireless Network

Thanks for that call, RickJay, as my 3 misses were all in the tech dept.

I think I’d extend the flat tire to cars and add;

  1. Know how to make a woman’s eyes glaze over with a kiss
  2. Be able to jump a dead battery
  3. Retrieve a stuck toy from a high tree limb.

I’ll stick with what I said last time:

If you had to make a similar list for women, how would it differ?

Yeah, but I can do those things too. :smiley:

Dunno. My wife can also clean a bolt-action rifle (not to mention other guns) so I don’t know what difference this would make.

Perhaps sewing - though that should be on the men’s list as well. Saved my ass numberless times in the Navy.

Likewise cooking - men and women alike should be able to do it.

I would agree with your list too. I can do most of that other list–but they aren’t the important ones. I do know my wife is way impressed that I can unsnap her bra with one hand–now that is a skill that is useful and important!

Guy here…last I checked.

  1. Patch a Radiator Hose (I don’t even know what a radiator hose is, or what one looks like, so NO)

  2. Protect Your Computer YES

  3. Rescue a Boater Who Has Capsized YES …was a requirement of my boating course earlier this year

  4. Frame a Wall NO …and I admit I’m jealous of those who can

  5. Retouch Digital Photos YES…and was actually paid freelance for one

  6. Back Up a Trailer NO …but I can back up a 35 foot cruiser into a ten-foot wide slip without hitting the pilons, so how hard can it be to back up a trailer?

  7. Build a Campfire YES …former Eagle scout here

  8. Fix a Dead Outlet Trick Question. It depends on what’s dead. Is it a short? If so, where?

  9. Navigate with a Map and Compass YES See my answer to item 7 above

  10. Use a Torque Wrench YES …this is a skill?

  11. Sharpen a Knife YES …have whetstone, will travel

  12. Perform CPR YES …and have, unfortunately. Scary.

  13. Fillet a Fish NO …and, um, yuck

  14. Maneuver a Car out of a Skid I HOPE SO …but have never had the pleasure

  15. Get a Car Unstuck YES …and have

  16. Back Up Data YES …again, this is a skill?

  17. Paint a Room YES …even sponging and ragging

  18. Mix Concrete NO

  19. Clean a Bolt-Action Rifle NO

  20. Change Oil and Filter NO …ashamed to admit

  21. Hook Up an HDTV YES …I guess the ability to follow written instructions is a skill

  22. Bleed Brakes NO

  23. Paddle a Canoe YES …and do quite regularly

  24. Fix a Bike Flat YES

  25. Extend Your Wireless Network CAKE …I mean YES

So, my score is 15 - Yes, 8 - No, and 2 maybe. What’d I win?