26 seasons and a movie

Congrats to the Simpsons on achieving such an incredible milestone. I know it’s internet popular to bash the show and say it sucks now, but I still like it, even if it’s not always as good as at its peak.

I know back when I first saw these goofy burping cartoon characters on the Tracy Ullman show, I never expected they’d get their own show, let alone outlive everything else in prime time.

PS-Purple is a fruit Sorry, that line just came up in the rerun I was watching.

I still find solid laffs in every episode. It’s not the insane asylum it was at the beginning, but who is?

I became a fan for life with the first Hallowe’en show and JAMES EARL FREAKIN’ JONES reading “The Raven.” (Take thy BEAK from out my heart and take thy form from off my door! Quoth the raven, “Eat my shorts!”) Said to myself These guys aren’t screwing around.


Two wrongs make a right, Lisa!

I wasn’t a fan when I was little, when it came out (I was 10). I was snotty and had an aversion to “stuff that was popular” and couldn’t be bothered with that Bart kid. Man, were they a marketing juggernaut back in the day! (I do have the McDonald’s toys)

At some point I got my head on straight and became a fan. And I still watch every week and I still find it to be very funny and clever. And I play their stupid mobile game, too!

I derive a small amount of smug hipster cred by watching the show before it was a show. My mom would watch Tracy Ullman and call me into the room when they crudely drawn show came on.

The guy crying “The PTA has disbanded” and throwing himself out the window is still one of my favorite moments ever.

And “aaah, beer nuts” in a hypnotized voice is part of our household vernacular.