3:30 till 3:35. Every. Single. Day.

I’m up late alot, and I’ve noticed that at exactly 3:30, and lasting until approximately 3:35, although sometimes longer, sometimes shorter, the board is down.

Why do you do this?


Just to piss you off. Why else? :slight_smile:

I would guess it’s some kind of automated routine maintenance.

your humble TubaDiva

Quit yer whining, Homer! It’s harder for us Euro trash. It happens here in the morning, when we’re sober and ready to absorb new knowledge.

Sober? WTF?

Well, not me, obviously. But some of my best friends are sober in the morning.

The shame.

If you’ve really got it pinned down to a specific five minute window, then just use that time to go to the potty & refill your coffee/beer/whiskey/bong. It’s all just a matter of successful time management!

Yep I go for a smoke break at 9:30am. Any excuse is a good one.