Well, I was out for coffee with some friends and for some reason the topic of male nipples came up (a friend of mine had done a speach on the possible purposes of them). It was then also brought up that I have 3 nipples (I was not the one who brought it up)since I am a guy and have got a superfluous nipple. I got two reactions that night that are generally the reactions I get. From the guys at the table; disbelief and then acceptance. From the ladies at the table; giggling giddyness and then disgust.
Now, I haven’t dated a lot (okay, I’ve hardly dated at all), and I’ve never really brought it up with someone I’m interested in. I don’t know if my potential girlfriend would be able to accept it easily or not. Anyway, since the ladies’ reactions that I have gotten are limited to a few, I thought I may as well ask the SD Ladies out there what they think. Just so you don’t have to ask, the nipple is at the bottom of my peck, directly below my other nipple but is much smaller (a little less than the size of a dime). Anyway, what would be your reaction to a guy having this if you were considering dating him?
Actually, the nipples aren’t right next to each other, but several inches apart.
It’s called a ‘supernumerary nipple’, and I have one, too. Or is that…I have three…?
Sounds like a “Friends” episode to me, Chandler.
I was about to post: If you ever get that third nipple removed you lose your powers of funniness.
I’m female. I don’t have any issues with it. But I obviously can’t speak for anyone else.
I think that it is no big deal. If a woman cares for you enough to get to see your nipples regularily than it won’t matter to her. If it does, she is a superficial---- and get rid of her. I don’t see it as any different than dating a guy with a different hair colour. It is part of who you are and any woman who loves you will love all your nipples.
It certainly wouldn’t bother me. More to play with (assuming you like that).
Well, it wouldn’t bother me, as long as you don’t mind being called Scaramanga.
Oh, baby, gimme that Golden Gun. Oh, Scaramanga!
<insert winking smily icon here>
I happen to love male nipples. My male’s nipples, anyway… they’re super sensitive. If he had a third one - even better!
As for anyone having a problem with it - that would be pretty superficial, don’t you think? That could be your litmus test for weeding out the women too hung up on appearances
stupid question: Do women ever have supernumary nipples? If so, are they accompanied by supernumary breasts?
I mean, I’ve never seen any indication, and that’s the kind of thing I’d think I’d notice.
Well, as for me, I like nipples. So, what’s one more?
No, seriously, if your female friend has a problem with it, you’re better off without her. It wouldn’t bother me.
Third nipples on men and women
Check this column, TheNerd.
It’d take a couple viewings to get used to, but I wouldn’t have a problem with it.
If your not attatched to it, and money isn’t a concern, you should look into surgery. I would believe it to be a simple procedure. They slice it off, maybe stretch some skin, sew it up and good to go. Little scar, but hey. If you like it, that’s cool too. And yes women do have this as well.
Mallrats …
though that was fake it was still funny
Simply a vestigial item:
ves•tige "ves-tij\ noun [F, fr. L vestigium footstep, footprint, track, vestige] (1602)
1 (: a bodily part or organ that is small and degenerate or imperfectly developed in comparison to one more fully developed in an earlier stage of the individual, in a past generation, or in closely related forms syn see trace
ves•ti•gial \ve-"sti-je-el, -jel\ adjective
ves•ti•gial•ly adverb
©1996 Zane Publishing, Inc. and Merriam-Webster, Incorporated. All rights reserved.
I seem to recall reading somewhere that one of Henry VIII’s wives (Anne Bolyn?) had a third nipple - if there was too much uproar about a divorce he would use it to have her burned as a witch.
BTW, it isn’t a nipple, but Florida Marlin baseball player Alfonseca has 6 fingers and 6 toes…
If the guy I’m seeing now showed me a third nipple, I think I’d be curious by it and somewhat fascinated. It wouldn’t be a bad thing.
My Ex had one, too. Really small, like a mole, and lower than the the first two. Never bothered me any. Never really thought about it, after the first five minutes. I’ve known another guy with one too, so it’s not as rare as one would think.
I think it would be fascinating…
As a matter of fact, can i see??