This one (Hey There, Delilah). Not going to share the story behind it this time, and you don’t have to if you don’t want to…
…but if you don’t mind, who does it remind you of and why?
And here is a list of every poster on here that will get paid, per my “Whoever does all of this with me will split 100 bucks” rule, provided they keep replying to each of these for the remaining 25 threads. This list may continue to grow shorter as time goes by, though…and with each person off the list, the remaining will get more and more money split among them.
Anyone can reply to these threads if you want to share your songs, though, still on the list or not. I welcome any, because I originally made this so that I could open my world to new music that affects people in memorable ways.
Drunky Smurf
Eddie The Horrible
Emtar KronJonDerSohn
Face Intentionally Left Blank
Half Man Half Wit
Jack Batty
I actually once knew a classmate in middle school named Rhiannon. Her mother worked at a restaurant in town, and revealed to my parents and I during a visit there one day that, yes and not surprisingly, her daughter was named after the Fleetwood Mac tune.
The Foundations, “Build Me Up Buttercup” reminds me of my ex-wife. It was one of the songs of our courtship when we didn’t realize we were anything but good friends hanging out together. I probably should have treated the lyrics as foreshadowing. :smack:
Reminds me of my daughter and wife, just before we picked up my son in Korea. We changed “tears” to “cheese” and sang it with her while we danced to it.
I had an ex who really screwed me and my life up royally. He is the personification of this song and it has to be the Limp Bizkit version for maximum douchiness.
I’m sorry to The Who, but Paul can still kiss my ass. :mad:
Queen, '39. A favorite of mine, and it became a favorite of an ex-g/f who I introduced it to when we were dating. (She’s the only one I’ve ever had that I’m still friends with, btw.)
I was dating a guy I really liked back in the 80s when this song came out. It reminds me of him and that time. We’re friends on Facebook now and I still really like him! What might’ve been…
A good childhood friend of mine from my High School years was really into “The Police”. When I think of him I am reminded of them, but also when I hear a Police song from that era* I am reminded of him.
*Rehumanize Yourself. Has a very naughty word in it.
“Boogie Wonderland” by Earth, Wind, and Fire. Reminds me of a guy I was desperately, passionately in love with. We went to a lakeside roadhouse, no A/C, with screen doors and a huge fan going. It just opened for the evening, at sunset, and we were about the only customers in there. We got beer and put money in the juke box, and this song just EXPLODED, and we danced. We had the whole dance floor to ourselves. It was such a rush!
Richard Foltz was a dear friend of mine who died way too young. Every year, at Christmas time, he composed a song and shared it with his friends. Fortunately, before he died, he put thirteen of these songs together in a CD, singing two of them (the prophetic “Christmas Morning” and “Christmastime”) himself. I’ll always have his music – and many wonderful memories – to remind me of the wonderful friend I have lost.
“The Winner Takes It All” by ABBA was in heavy rotation in 1980 when I had a break-up with a friend who went back to her former boyfriend. Still can’t listen to that song without that feeling of longing…damn.
Lipps Inc - Funkytown. This is the song that was playing in the coffee shop the moment I met my future wife. I always maintained that this was therefore “our song,” FOREVER.
I don’t really need the money, but now I feel like this is a reality/game show!
Either way, I do it for the love of the game.
Alice Cooper’s Under My Wheels always makes me think of a specific moment riding around with my sister and smoking weed when I was a kid. I had heard Alice Cooper many times before, but it was the first time I had heard that song. Every time I hear that intro, I’m reminded of her face while she turns the radio up and sings along while smiling at me. For a moment in my mind, it’s that late spring afternoon a long time ago; and I feel fresh, young and happy. I’m still largely the same person I was then, but I know a lot more now.
I have songs that remind me of old girlfriends, I have a couple songs that remind me of old friends. . .think I’ll go with this one, which I doubt anyone else will choose.
My dad was an asshole in many ways, and a good guy in virtually no way, but there were 3 things we shared:
One. On the 2 weekends he’d have me each month(which turned into once a month, once every 6 weeks, a few times a year, then not at all by the time I turned 13), we’d go fishing on Sunday mornings in the summer months.
B. We’d wake up and have a killer breakfast - pancakes, sausage, scrapple (for him), etc, and watch Steeler football in fall/winter.
3. We’d struggle to do both, because we’d stay up WAYYYY too late Saturday nights, popping popcorn and watching Chiller Theater and bad, bad horror movies.
I’ll never hear Experiment in Terror (the theme music) and not think of Chiller Theater, my Dad, and some of the very few good memories I have of him. Kind of appropriate, now that I think of it.
At first I misinterpreted the OP as asking who* Hey There Delilah* reminds us of and that would be a work friend of mine who, knowing how much I detested it (sorry, Idle)would sing it to me.
As for a song that reminds me of someone. . . heck, all of them? But if I’m picking just one I’ll say Styx’s Light Up. My boyfriend in 8th grade was real music fan (and a stoner) and I remember hanging out at his house and listening to this song. Obviously we listened to all kinds of things but this one stands out because I was still kind of new to smoking weed and I had a stoner’s “wow dude, they’re songing “light up” and we are lighting up. It’s like they’re singing to us” epiphany :smack: I can just about smell the strawberry scented incense he used to burn.