3rd 4th & 5th Most Pleasurable Sensations

The Onion: Area Man Creeped Out By Request To “Make Love”

  1. Nipples being teased.
  2. Being waxed (I love the hotness and the pulling. So, just the whole thing)
  3. Being kissed in that way (good make up for the tons of bad ones!)
  4. Being spanked.
  5. Touching fur

Taking off your shoes after a long day. Ooooh yeah.

How you doin’?

Good. :wink: I LOVE your username. :smiley:

Urination beats defecation hands down. And sneezing’s in there, too. Pretty much anything that builds up physical anticipation works, so I guess I’d throw in eating when you are really hungry, and drinking when you are really thirsty. So, in order:

  1. Orgasm when you are really horny
  2. Urination when you really need to go
  3. Defecation when you are constipated
  4. Sneezing if it’s taken a while to come out
  5. Drinking when you are really thirsty
  6. Eating when you are really hungry

Other pleasures may be longer lasting, but these are primal.

Oh yeah. Specifically lowering oneself into a tub that’s the perfect temperature. You can feel your sore muscles relax, one by one.

Scalp massage has to be up there, too.

I am going to be a cliché here and say that when I enter a favorite shop and see a 75% off everything sign (or similar) I get a literal shiver in my spine.

Another vote for quenching an intense thirst. Absolutely, hands-down my favourite feeling.

A backscratching.

  1. Just having had a baby. The several hours after the births of my four children cannot compare to any other experience I’ve ever had. Bliss. Euphoria. Higher than a kite.
  2. Just having had sex. I like the orgasm, but the afterglow while spooning is best. Probably related to 1. Oxytocin, I like it.
    3.Scalp rub. Properly done, like an orgasm that goes on and on, but calmer.
    4.Foot rub. See 3.
    5.Getting just the right amount of drunk, much harder to achieve than previously. Why?

I don’t think anyone has mentioned this one:


Think of how many people enjoy roller coasters, or bungee jumping, or parachuting, or heck, just coasting a bike down a steep hill. I suppose if you were to analyze it, the sensation in question is the release from the pressure of gravity, however temporarily. Very pleasurable for most people.

So do I!