46,368 bottles of beer on the street

46,368 bottles of Keith’s spill in Halifax

Terrible, yes, but what really makes this story notable is the police officer’s quote: “I had a tear in my eye actually when I was watching it,” said Constable Mark Hobeck of Halifax Regional Police . . . “We were hoping a truck full of pretzels would come by, but no such luck.”

Looks legit too, coming four days after April Fools Day. Halifax, what a town :slight_smile:

Hopefully they break the news gently to the Scotish guy, that’s in the comercials.

I read that article in the paper and immediately envisioned the Scottish guy, curled up in a fetal position on the bar floor at the very thought of the disaster.

I shouldn’t have laughed so hard… :smiley:

Oh, the humanity!

Take one down, pass it around, 46,367 bottles of beer on the street…

A classic case of alcohol abuse if I’ve ever seen one.

My little brother works for the Washington state Department of Transportation. Part of his job is to clean up after accidents. A freeway on ramp near a beer distributor has proven to be a challenge and he says they get calls to clean up that on ramp at least once or twice a year because a beer truck tips over. The last time I was at his house he was well stocked in Foster’s from an accident a few weeks earlier.

“I always dreamed of standing on the edge of a lake of beer. But not like this. Never like this!” sniff

“We could tell trouble was brewing”, the witness bubbled. “The truck driver was obviously aleing. The whole thing came to a head when he took the curve too fast and tippled, barley missing my car. He’s over there now, hung over the front of the truck, crying in his beer.”

Clean up efforts were hampered when pub lick workers reached their last straw.